What Happened Here?!?! (Human! Freddy x Reader) (Five Nights At Freddy's)

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Bold – A/N

Italics – Conversation

(A/N) In this one-shot, you were the night guard for 3 weeks now and you were best friends with Freddy. You were close with the others but you felt closer to the brown haired leader for some reason. Wonder why? XD)

You were roaming the halls of Freddy Fazbear's Pizzaria, looking for your best friend, Freddy. The others were friendly too but you were closer to the brunet as he was your childhood friend. Bonnie was on the main stage, plucking his guitar, so you asked him where Freddy was.

"Hey, Bonnie!" you greeted the purple bunny. He was already transformed to his human form, long purple hair in a low ponytail, red eyes, purple long sleeves with the sleeves rolled up to his elbow, a black vest, black dress pants, and black shoes. And his red bow tie he removed and left on top of one of the speakers. "Hey, Y/N! You're kinda late tonight. What's up?" he greeted back happily. "I'm looking for Freddy. Any idea where he might be?" you asked the purplenet. "Hmm, I have been here the whole time but I saw him leave the moment we turned back. Around 30 minutes ago." he responded to the question. "Ok, thanks Bon!" "No problem!"

On the way to the office, you decided to ask Foxy. You peaked in through the curtains to see him cleaning his hook. "Hey Foxy," you called out softly as to not startle him. He was in his human form, red long hair, his coat on his shoulders, golden eyes with an eye patch covering his right (our left) eye, brown pants and he was barefooted. He looked up from his unfinished work. "Hey Y/N. What is it?" he asked. "Have you seen Freddy around?" you asked the same question you asked Bonnie. He thought about it for a few seconds but eventually shook his head. "I haven't seen him, lass. Maybe ask the others." He said. "Ok, thank you!"

You entered the office to see the Brown haired boy nowhere but saw a purple eyed blond girl in a yellow dress with white frills, black stockings, with yellow ballet shoes, with a white bib saying 'Let's Eat!' in bold black letters. "Hey Chica! Have you seen Freddy around?" you asked, putting down your bag on your desk. "Good evening to you, Y/N! And, no. I haven't seen Freddy. Why, something happened?" she asked. "Not in particular..." you trailed off.

"Lovers quarrel?" Out of all of the gang, she was the only one who knew of your crush towards your brown haired best friendwho turns into an animatronic brown bear. "N-no! I just have to talk to him. That's all."

"Hmm ok. He's probably doing something in the kitchen because he kicked me out of there a while ago. You should go check there." She said. "Thanks a lot!"

You raced down the right hallway and took a right to walk to the kitchen. You tried to open the door but it was locked. "Freddy? Are you in there?" you called loudly. Then the sound of crashing pots and pans caught your attention inside the kitchen. "Yeah!" his voice called out from inside the room. "Let me in!" you said, knocking hard on the door. You heard his muffled voice then the door was opened by a blonde boy with black eyes, a golden yellow suit with a white undershirt, black bow tie, black dress pants with black shoes. But instead of the clean and crisp and mature Golden Freddy, you saw him with an apron on with what looks like flour on it, dusting his hair, some of his clothes, and his face covered with said flour.

And he was frowning, clearly saying the message of why-did-I-agree-to-this- on his face.

"Hey, you get him settled yeah? I'm gonna go change out of these." Then he walked out, heading to closet 1. You followed him with your eyes until he disappeared through the door then finally took notice of the kitchen's state.

"Freddy, what happened?"

You said to the boy in front of you. He was wearing a white long sleeves which were rolled up to his elbow, a black bow tie, black belt, black dress pants, with black shoes. His brown tailcoat and top hat were hanging on a hook at a corner of the room. His blue eyes seemed to linger at you a bit longer than necessary because he drifted his eyes somewhere else. "Freddy, what happened?" you repeated the question. "Umm..." he trailed. You waited for him to answer the question.

"I was..."

"You were...?"

"I was trying to make a pizza for you..."

He said softly. You nodded slowly, trying to process what he said. When it finally sank in, which took a few seconds, you blushed slightly.

"How about we clean up then I can help you make a pizza?" you offered softly. "Yeah, that would be great!" So for the next 5 hours of your shift, you and Freddy made and baked pizza then shared it with the others.


Word Count: 859

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