Good Night, Fratello

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Brother! Tsunayoshi & Sister! OC

Song: BTS V Winter Bear

3rd person

It was a late December night in the Vongola Mansion. An orange eyed young man with spiky brown hair was sat behind a large mahogany desk, signing paper after paper of the pile. He sighed as he finished another stack and arranged his table. He had one last stack of those pesky papers to sign and then he can go to bed. He rubbed his eyes behind the reading glasses he wore and turned back to the papers. A few minutes later, the sound of the door being knocked on broke his concentration as he jolted from his seat. He sighed again as he responded to the person on the other side of the door. "Come in!" his gentle voice reached the other persons ears then they opened the door, revealing his sister, Sawada Tsuyuki now Hibari.

"Fratello, you should head to bed. Its midnight." She reminded the brunet. Her long brown hair tied in a braid with her honey eyes half-lidded. She was wearing her usual sleepwear, a hoodie and shorts. Hidden in the waistband of her shorts, was a small silver dagger. She walked to the desk and peeked at the papers her brother was signing.

"Marriage proposals? They are aware that you and Kyoko are dating, right?" she asked when she read the contents. "Yeah. They send them often which gets really annoying." He responded, crumpling the paper and throwing it at the trash can by the door.

"You can finish these papers by tomorrow. You need sleep. Reborn will triple your training if you don't." she reprimanded her brother as she began pulling him up his chair and dragged him out the door. The boss sighed as he let his sister drag him to his bedroom. When they arrived, he led her in and closed the door behind him. She pushed him towards the bathroom and took some clothes for him to change into, a pair of shorts and a white shirt. When he went out, she pulled him to his bed and tucked him in, slipping under the covers herself. Tsuna hugged his sister close, savouring the moment. With their jobs, it's hard to experience peace. A few minutes passed, Tsuyuki can still feel her brother awake.

"Fratello?" she called softly. Tsuna hummed. "Is anything bothering you?" Tsuna thought for a moment. Knowing he can't lie to the person he had by his side for his entire life, he sighed and spilled what was in his head. "I just... I'm worried. I'm worried that someday, enemy famiglias will attack the mansion while me and the others aren't here." She sighed and slapped his arm softly. "You're not the only one who Reborn trained, damn it. Don't treat me like a kid."

"I now." He replied. "Do you want me to sing? Like old times." She offered. Tsuna smiled softly and nodded. Tsuyuki slipped out of the covers and picked up the guitar in the stand at the corner of the room. She tuned it and sat at the edge of the bed. Tsuna stared at his sister with pride. Whenever he can't sleep, her voice has always lulled him. When Tsuna settled himself in the bed and nodded at his sister to start playing.

She looks like blue parrot, would you come fly to me

I want some good day, good day, good day

Good day, good day

Looks like a winter bear, you sleep so happily

I wish you good night, good night, good night

Good night, good night

Imagine your face

Say hello to me

Then all the bad days

They're nothing to me

With you

Winter bear

Sleep like a winter bear

Sleep like a winter bear

When Tsuyuki finished strumming, she looked at her brother to see him asleep. His expression peaceful and light, him softly snoring. She put back the guitar at its stand and tucked herself in, careful not to wake Tsuna. She smiled fondly, reminiscing the moments where there wasn't crazy famiglias wanting to kill her family.

As she drifted to sleep, she thought.

'Good night, Fratello.'

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