Smarter than the Princess

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3rd pov.

Empty. All files, gone. Nothing left. Celestia stared at her computer, horrified. She shakily lifted her hand and pressed the button for the intercom.

"Calling Twilight Sparkle to the principal's office."


A girl appeared on the office door. 

 "You called for me, Principal?" Twilight Sparkle asked. 

"That's right. We have a major problem. All of the files, including this year's schedule of school activities. My recycle bin is empty. Nothing I can restore. Twilight please come take a look." 

Celestia gestured to her computer. Twilight nodded and walked over to the desk which held the said computer. She sat on the chair and scanned the computer. Opening the files then furrowing her eyebrows, this continued for a few minutes when she finally stopped. 

"So? What did you find?" Vice-principal Luna asked. 

"There are no traces of the files anymore. I can't recover them. But," Twilight said. 

"I'll try to look deeper." She then proceeded to pull a series of codes. Loading them up.

A few minutes later, her search was still unsuccessful. Twilight sighed, 

"It's no use, Miss. I can't retrieve the files-" She was cut off when the screen suddenly turned pitch black, quickly turning into static then a figure of a purple laughing cat appeared, scaring the people in the room then, it shut off.

"What was that?!"The sisters asked the purple haired girl. 

"I-I don't know..." she trailed.

Timeskip: After school hours

4:37 pm

"So girls, any ideas?" Twilight asked the girls with her. She had just finished explaining what happened a few hours ago. 

"Hmm. I have no idea!" Pinkie exclaimed. 

"Me neither." Applejack said, which was followed with a series of nods from the other girls. Except one.

"I think I know someone who can help us."

"Who do you mean, Sunset?"

"Selena Phantomhive. You know? The girl who has been an honor student since first year." 

Sunset Shimmer explained further. 

"Oh! The girl with the silver hair! Isn't she on the other class? We should go see her!" Rainbow Dash told the other girls. 

"I think we should." Rarity said. They stood from their spot by the statue in the school courtyard and proceeded to the said silver haired girl's classroom, in hopes of finding her.

"I'm sorry, but she's not here. She left half an hour ago." A student said,

"Oh ok. Thank you!" Twilight said, then walked away with the other girls following her after they said their thanks. 

"Hmm... where could she be?" Applejack asked himself. 

"How about we split up, then call the others if you found her." Twilight told the group. 

"Sounds good to me!" then they did just that.

An hour has passed and the search for the silver haired girl has ended. They gathered at the school's front yard when Fluttershy saw a glimpse of silver on the lone tree on top of the hill. A laptop was in front of the figure, solidifying Fluttershy's suspicions. 

"Girls, I think I found her." She said quietly. Applejack, who was sitting beside the light pink haired girl turned her head to see what Fluttershy was staring at. 

"Well look at that, there's our girl!" she said, this time the others hearing her. They simultaneously turned their heads, seeing the silver haired girl. 

"Well, what are we waiting for? Let's go talk to her!" Pinkie exclaimed. 

"Wait, shouldn't we approach her little by little? We don't want to overwhelm her." Applejack suggested. 

"How about me and Pinkie talk to her?" Twilight said. The girls had no protests so Pinkie and Twilight walked to the hill.

Selena was already packing her stuff into her bag when they approached her. Selena paused from putting her laptop in her bag. 

"Sneaking up on a person is rude, you know." She then resumed what she was doing. 

"Hi, you must be Selena Phantomhive. We really need your help. Can you help us?" Twilight greeted. Selena slung her bag on to her shoulder, standing straight with her back still facing the girls. She turned to walk away but they were really persistent. Pinkie blocked her path with her arms outstretched. 

"Hey, that was rude too, you know." Pinkie said. However, Selena only remained nonchalant to their request. 

"Please hear us out at least? Principal Celestia's computer was hacked. You're the only one who can help us." Twilight pleaded.

Selena remained quiet only to sigh a few seconds later. "There are other students who can hack. Please find someone else to deal with the problem. I am very busy so please," she glared at Twilight and Pinkie her bangs shadowing her face making her black eyes seem even more intimidating. 

"Do not approach me any further." She walked past a frozen Pinkie Pie and headed down the hill, exiting the grounds. 

Twilight suddenly remembered a small detail before the computer shut off. 

"A purple cat." she said, 

Selena paused in her tracks and slowly turned to the girl, her glasses catching light from the setting sun, causing it to completely reflect on the lenses. 

"What did you just say?" she said. her voice was angry, suspicious almost. completely different from her soft tone a few seconds ago. 

"A laughing purple cat appeared on the screen before it shut down." 

Selena lifted her head, her onyx black eyes piercing through their soul. She turned away and stared at the sun. 

"Seems like he's back..." she muttered then slowly, a menacing smirk formed on her lips, scaring Twilight and Pinkie. As quickly as it came, it disappeared

"Fine then. I'll help you."

Pinkie and Twilight brightened, 

"... In one condition." she continued, this made the two turn to her, their smiles not leaving. "What is it?" Pinkie asked. 

Selena turned er head away from the completely set sun, her face emotionless, eyes piercing them once again. 

"You will never bother me again. If the computer gets hacked again, I won't help you. Students in this school are smart. Another student will help you. If you do contact me again. Well, we'll see what happens, and I promise you. It's not pretty." she said. It wasn't a promise, it was a threat. 

Twilight thought hard about her condition. 

A few minutes later, she snapped out of her thoughts and replied. 

"Fine, I agree to your conditions. Just promise to help us." 

"That will be no problem. I won't charge you this time, I have more things to do. I will meet you in the park 500 meters away from here, bring the computer with you." she said, she turned around and walked down the hill, her silver hair flowing the soft wind. 



HEY HEY HEY! My Little Pony: Equestria Girls is not mine. I only take credit for Selena Phantomhive. 

Should I make a part 2?

Who is this 'He'? 

Should I even make more of these?

Make sure to comment what you think!

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