Student Council

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A/n: another chapter... a rather short one but okay...


Y/n breathed heavily, his body attempting to crush his very bones as he was on his knees and hands

He gnashed his teeth in pain as he tried fighting it, he let out another scream as his left arm's bones suddenly shattered completely

He was currently in the same room as the one which he succeeded in breaking through to the second cycle

And right at this moment, it was his attempt on breaking through the third cycle

He screamed in pain as his orange lightning turned into neon green, he spat out a mouthful of blood on the floor

His left leg suddenly twisted completely, something that briefly reminded him of Kaneki from Tokyo ghoul before he once again screamed in pain

His hearing suddenly became impacted as silent ringing was the only thing he could hear from both sides

His fist clenched as blood spewed out from his ears, suddenly he breathed out a massive sigh of relief as the pain stopped

He gently laid on the floor in immense pain, but as he did so, vibrant green lighting crackled around him

Soon enough as the neon green lighting travelled around his body, his leg untwisted itself as all bones that were shattered and broken were mended

His shattered arm was healed completely, his hearing returned without any ringing, and his clenched fist that caused a wound to open in his palm healed as well

"Amazing..." he breathed out at the effects of the crackling source of energy that was the neon colored lighting

Each tribulation was vastly different from one another, but the difficulty gap between each one only increased

And this was only his third cycle out of seven

It makes him shiver thinking about his transcendence from the sixth cycle to seventh cycle

He heard his phone vibrate within his pockets as he grabbed it from within his folds only to see a text from Ameri

He softly smiled

Ameri: where are you? Aren't you coming to the student council?

Ah... shit

Me: definitely, I'm just... running a little, late

I quickly changed into a different pair of clothes that didn't have blood stains covering every corner of the fabric

I made sure to keep checking my phone for any updates but at the moment there weren't any, until I heard a beep

Ameri: You better get here

I let out a soft chuckle as I was about respond only for a sudden wave of drowsiness and headaches to assault me

'Ah sh-'


I woke up with a loud yawn as I was glad I woke up on my bed and not on the floor, luckily I had teleported right next to my bed before... going unconscious

Unluckily though was the fact that I was even more tardy than before


Neon green lightning crackled around me with enough intensity to actually blind me temporarily

As I practically instantaneously teleported to school, I scared the living hell out of a few demons who saw

I ran towards the student council room

I slammed open them loudly as I slightly panted, waking up and immediately using magic and then later running as fast as you could was not something I plan to do frequently

"Y-Y/n!" Ameri said in surprise as she stood up from her seat with a large smile but soon adapted a scornful look

"What took you so long! The trial period is over!" She said rather hurt as I looked around the room

My eyes widen as I saw the paper made roses and other sort of decorations from memories of my first love

"D-did you do this for the recruits?" I said rather unhopeful as she shook her head

"N-no... it was, for you" she admitted as she looked away with a blush, butterflies danced in my stomach as I tried shaking it off

"Sorry it's just..." before I could speak, her eyes widen as she immediately rushed towards me, which confused me

"Are you okay Y/n?! Who did this!" She said through gritted teeth as I raised an eyebrow until I realized I hadn't showered so there was still dried blood on some of my visible naked skin

"It... Ameri, do you trust me?" I said, catching her completely off guard but nodded without the slightest bit of hesitation

"I'll tell you how I got these, but let's do this over a cup of tea, okay?" She looked at me worryingly before sighing and agreeing

As she pointed grey hell tea for the both of us, I took a deep breath and began


I had done it, I had explained every last bit of detail to Ameri, of course bar that I came from the human world, so it was mostly on who my father was and how I was born... and of course my powers

Yes the whole four and half yards, basically everything after getting transferred to the netherworld

Not the part of Iruma being a human, or getting adopted by Sullivan but being the son of the strongest Demon King in history and how

The reason I didn't tell her that I came from that world is not because I don't trust her, but I feel like grandpa could get in trouble

{Which he already is at the moment}

'Will she look at me differently? Will she stop hanging out with me!?'

I didn't care about her finding out, what I cared was her reaction to this information

But what I never expected is for her arms wrap around my body as she pushed my head into her breasts

My eyes widen at the sudden warmth

"Oh Y/n... I don't care what you are or who your father is..."


"As long as you're fine, that's all that matters"


"But I appreciate your honesty... it's nice... thank you Y/n for everything you've done"

*Badump*Badump*Badump*Badump* Badump*Badump*

My stomach turned into knots as my face warmed up by a considerable amount, my heart pounded through my chest as I stood there within her embrace

"I know what you said is true because I trust you completely, even so, this won't change the way I look at you"

At this moment, I knew without a single doubt

I had fallen in love for Ameri Azazel

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