A kiss

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A/n: hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm, the title is looking pretty good

A couple more chapters!!! Then I can start with my next book, yes!


With a sigh I arrived at the scene once more with the gay stripper and surprisingly Iruma

I suspected that he obtained some help from someone since he weirdly refused to use his magic, something I scolded him about on a daily bases

"Well well, what do we have here" I say as my magic began flooding the room with its presence

The knee's of Kiriwo, the senior and 'mentor' of Iruma's battler that he joined, knee's buckled as he gritted his teeth at the power

"Iruma, explain" I say, not even bothering to glance at Kiriwo who's now on his knees struggling to even stand

Iruma began to tell me all about his backstory to which I rolled my eyes at, something about him not having much magic power so he got sent to some place

Blah blah blah, he found out he was a massive weirdo who got off on sadism or masochism or probably both

Then someone with yellow lightning blah blah blah, he's already considered pathetically weak in my book by the mention of his yellow lightning

Then how he wanted to destroy the symbol of ranks, Babyls

"Yeah, I don't give a shit about his story, for all I care he might as well be a prostitute, I mean tell me about his so called weapon" I said with an irritated sigh

"Well... it's right there behind you" he said as I turned around to face some big scrap machine that seemed a bit like an alter that held a ball that seemed to of have been made out of pure energy as it glowed yellow

"Is that..."

"Yes, it's the firework shell, the one needed for the fireworks" he said as I sent glare at Kiriwo which caused his head to be slammed towards the floor, creaking was heard from his bones

"So it's going to explode right?" I questioned to which he nodded I sighed irritably

"If you're going to make some sort of 'massive plan' then at least make it good" I grumble as I flew up and grabbed the sphere of seemingly yellow lightning

"Y-you fool! You would need Sullivan level of power to break through the barrier!" Kiriwo said with a grin hoping to see the so called lightning king be in despair only to be frozen in shock at his laughter

Kiriwo had easily guessed his plan on sending the firework shell upwards to the sky where it would eventually hit his barrier, the strongest one in fact

"Oh that's all?" I said with a smirk as he calmly walked towards the massive window pane

It was like one of those revolving doors, he easily stood on the rooftop as he heard the countdown

"One hundred fold, Destruction Dragon of Apocalypse!" I yelled out as a massive dark green lightning dragon bursted forth from my body

It carried the yellow crackling ball within its mouth as it easily shattered through the barrier much to the shock of Kiriwo

'Fuck! I need to grab Ameri... why is always the strippers that ruin my plans?!'

"Don't you dare go anywhere, I have something special to do" I hurriedly said as I pointed and glared at Kiriwo, who was on the ground in shock

And with a flash of neon green lightning I disappeared as I quickly grabbed Ameri and disappeared

No one noticed this

We both suddenly appeared on the platform much to her shock and confusion

"Y-Y/n?! Why'd you do that?!" She yelled with confusion as he sits down, she suddenly realizes that they were on a green platform with a basket in the middle

"No time, just... look up" I say to her with a  bright smile as she felt heat overcome her cheeks as she did what I said to do

Her eyes widen as a explosion occurred in the sky as it enveloped it with bright azure explosion of color

A large smile soon forms on her lips as she was entranced by the scene of fireworks that suddenly exploded into mini orange one

Suddenly, a hand tapped her on the shoulder, just as she turned to face the male, her lips were captured by my own

Her eyes widen like saucers as she feels his warm and soft lips on hers, her heart began beating faster as she pulled the male known as Y/n closer to her body

At this moment, nothing else mattered to the two as they were too lost within the kiss to be bothered by anything else

Until a sudden thought invaded his mind

'Does this mean I owe Kiriwo... nahhhh, what about the remnants of the fireworks? Ugh... I'll deal with later'

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