What happened?

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We arrived back at the village in no time. Dark Shadow sure is fast.

"We will be landing a little bit further from the village so as not to destroy anything," Tokoyami said from his seat.

"Yes, okay."

Dark Shadow swooped down near the forest and swiftly landed on top of a well. He almost broke it but Tokoyami made him go down on the ground.

Ochako and I jumped off the giant bird leaving Mineta and Tokoyami behind. I ran straight to my house while Ochako rushed to the tower. When I arrived at my home... Everything was destroyed. The house was gone! I looked around and my mom was nowhere to be found.

I headed to the centre of the village and hardly anyone was there.

I went to Satou's bakery to ask what happened. But no one was there!

Where did everyone go?

I decided to go to the other side of the village. I called out for anyone and to my surprise, someone answered! They called out from underneath a pile of rubble. I rushed towards them and lifted the rubble to find Koda the veterinarian!

"Koda! What are you doing here? Wait, YOU CAN TALK!?!?!" He was known for being quiet and spending his time strictly with animals.

"I-I-I-I" He was stuttering like crazy out of fright.

Ochako came looking for me with Tokoyami and Dark Shadow in tow. Mineta was tied up with rope and hanging around Dark Shadows neck like a necklace.

"Deku! What happened? What's wrong with Koda?"

He was still stuttering and then finched when we heard a noise. We turned to where the sound came from. Was it another person? No, It was 3 persons! I mean, People. They stood up and revealed themselves to be...


"Yeah yeah yeah, I have heard that so many times already. Can we please go now?" They turned and saw us staring at them.

"Iida?" Ochako and I said in unison.

"M-Midoriya? Uraraka? What are you guys doing here?"

"We were looking for everyone. Where are they? What happened?" Ochako asked, clearly starting to panic.

"Well, we don't know either." Answered the lady with black hair. "All we saw was... fire and... a... dragon."

"A dragon?" I asked.

The prince stood up and looked at the sky. "Yeah. It was magnificent! But it destroyed everything. And it spoke."

"Wait, it spoke?" This was getting more and more confusing by the second.

Iida spoke this time. "Yes! If I recall correctly it flew over our heads and landed near the end of the village outside the baker shop and only said 'Help' and 'search'."

That is strange. Wait a moment. I walked over to Dark Shadow and ignoring Mineta's pleas for help I grabbed the chests that Kaminari gave me. I opened them and looked into each bottle. I took out the 'maps' and read them thoroughly. I heard the Prince and the other girl asking what I was doing.

'Let's see. It only looks like a map. But looking up close, you will see that every pattern is actually some words. Here it says 'a woman and a man... 2 dragons. Both are dragons. One a male one a female. She a messenger and he a leader.'

"Um, your highness?"

"Please just call me Shouto."

"Uh, right, Uh, Shouto? What kind of voice did the dragon have?"

"It was a feminine voice. Like a middle-aged woman's voice."

'That is what the map says. That she also has a voice like a mother. It also says she must find the saviour. The chosen one and bring his cherished possession for it to be... offered?'

"I think I get it a bit. It seems that that dragon came looking for the person who would find where this map leads to. She was supposed to find something that he loves and to have it be... offered?"

"But Deku. Don't you have the map? Are you the one who is going to find it?"

"Wait but this is not my map."

"Well, you do have it now Midoriya." Commented Iida.

"Wait, so where is everyone else?"

"Well, Yaoyorozu and I wandered off to find everyone. I met with my messenger and he said that everyone is fine. They are all taking refuge at the castle."

"Okay, that's good."

"Everyone except for Asui, You, Uraraka, Ashido, Sero, Kaminari and your mother. Koda was also missing but he is right here."

"Asui is away for work." Said Tokoyami.

"Kaminari, Ashido and Sero are on a trip." Said Uraraka.

"And as you can see Uraraka and I are right here."

"But Midoriya. Where is your mother?"

Koda sat through everything not having a clue what was going on. And Mineta wasn't on the list of missing people simply because no one really cared what happened to him. That is all I will be doing for this one today. Toodles! X3

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 02, 2020 ⏰

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