Chapter 3

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So far my book seems to be doing ok! PLEASE LET ME KNOW HOW ITS COMING ALONG!!! Thank you!!!! :D


Chapter 3

       Annabelle swerved into the school parking lot, generally the closest spot available to the back door of the school. All of them hopped out of the car and slung their backpacks 0ver their shoulders, ready to face the school.

       Anna turned towards Brooke and Adam. "Hey guys, about the tiger -"

       Adam cut her off. "No worries, Anna! Seriously, just forget about it. We don't care, as long as you're ok." Brooke nodded in agreement. "And besides, it's not like it really meant anything." She said.

       But that was the thing. The tiger did mean something, something really important. Today was not going to be her average day, she was sure of it. And the tiger whispering her name was only the start. Who knows what else was going to happen?

       After Brooke and Adam reassured her everything was going to be ok, they all turned towards the school and walked in unison, eventually catching up with the rest of the students, waiting to start the day.

       The begging of school wasn't too bad for her. She didn't doze off or anything and she got a 96% on her Italian Test. Art calmed her nerves, and as the day continued to be nothing but smooth sailing. Maybe, she thought, everything was really going to be ok!

       That is, until the last period of the day: Biology.

       They were doing some sort of lab experiment with test tubes, but she didn't quite know the point of it because she wasn't paying attention. Her thoughts kept going to someplace else as her stomach churned with the uneasy feeling again. The only time she would show any sign of interest in the lab would be when her lab partner Erica Young would give her answer to a question, and say "right?"

       Then she would snap back into reality. "Hmmm...What? Oh, yeah, right." Then slip back into her mind. Erica would just give her a weird look and go back to answering the questions.

       But Annabelle just couldn't shake off the feeling. It felt like something was coming, faster and faster. It was coming full throttle at her, but she didn't know what. And then it hit her. Hard.

       Her head was killing her. It felt like stone was pressing on every inch of her head. Her body was on fire. And the pit of her stomach felt like it was turning inside out.

       She screamed. She screamed just like she had done in her dream. It was every pain imaginable that she had ever felt, hitting her all at once. The whole room stared at her and the teacher ran to the phone to call the nurse or somebody.

       Suddenly, there was a great big cracking sound, and in unison all the windows, beakers, test tubes, and anything glass shattered and flew everywhere. Anna fell from her seat to the floor in agony, still screaming.

       The lights shattered as well, leaving the room in darkness. The classroom was filled with deathly screams, as she felt another invisible force wrapping around her neck, clutching her. Her sight was going fuzzy, and her breath felt short. All she knew was that she wanted it, needed it to stop. It had to, or she just might die. It had to stop. It had to...

       And just like that it was over. She opened her eyes. She was lying on the marble floor, with all the other students staring. She was sweaty and a small amount of blood trickled down her right shoulder where a bit of glass cut her. She was all shaken up, wide eyed and worried. There were bruise marks where she felt the invisible force choke her.

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