Chapter 1

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I was asleep, yet I could hear an alarm and it definitely was not my alarm because my alarm would be blaring in my right ear.

I quickly glanced at my clock which read 9:30am. Why would someone's alarm be going off this early on a Saturday morning? I only live with my two older brothers and neither of them are working today, so why are they awake so early?

I turned back around, finding a warm, comfortable spot and my eyes slowly started shutting.

''HANNAH GET UP!'' Someone yelled.

Seconds later I felt a thud on my bed. Making me move closer to the edge.

''What do you want? It's too early,'' I complained, trying to open my eyes.

''MATCH DAY!'' The voice yelled again.

My eyes finally opened up and gave me a clear view of who was sat on my bed. Ahmed. Of course.

I've been excited about this match all week so I definitely hadn't forgotten but my brother seemed way more excited than I was, this could not be happening.

''Ahmed why are you so excited? You cannot be more excited than I am,'' I stated.

''Because this is our first match after the move back and I haven't been to Old Trafford in five months! I am allowed to be more excited than you. Don't judge me!'' With that said, he got up and pulled my curtains back, letting the sunshine slip in. ''Now get up and get ready because we're going into town before the match.''

Yes, boss.

I didn't even bother questioning my brother.

''GUYS GET UP!'' I heard Saeed scream.

I guess these guys really need something urgently otherwise they wouldn't have me up 5 and a half hours before the match.

I quickly got up and plugged my iphone into charge before running into the bathroom. I then changed into my red United top and black skinny jeans. Where are my shoes? They're probably here somewhere.

''HAVE YOU SEEN MY BLACK FLATS?'' I yell, hoping one of my brother's have come across my shoes.

''THEY'RE DOWNSTAIRS!'' I was too busy fixing my bag to notice which one of them responded.

''Are you ready?'' Saeed asked.

''Yeah, let me just stick my shoes on.''

The three of us stood in a triangle whilst I slipped my feet into my flats. I noticed that we were all wearing our red tops, which made me smile.

''What are you smiling at you weird girl?'' Ahmed laughed,

''The fact that we're all wearing our red united tops, haven't seen all three of us wear it for a while,'' I giggled.

Ahmed threw his arm around my shoulder as we walked to the car.

We've only been back a week but living with my brothers is kind of cool. It's just us three and of course my older brother Saaed is in charge but it's all in a relaxed manner.

It took us ten minutes to get into the town centre and then another ten minutes to find a parking space; the place was crowded. Saaed, having a short span on patience, was swearing nearly every minute until we found a parking space.

We thought the car park was packed, boy were we wrong. All you can see are heads! an endless crowd of heads. I remember it used to get busy on match days but never this busy!

''Right, we need to go to JD and then we're basically going straight to krispy kreme,'' Ahmed clarified. ''Keep a look out for Ronaldo's football boots.''

''You couldn't get these boots after the match?'' I sighed which made him give me a pointed look.

''No, because I need them for football tomorrow.''

''And what's wrong with all of the other boots you have?''

''I need new ones okay!'' He ended the discussion.

''He just wants to waste his money,'' Saeed whispered into my ear, making us both giggle. ''I thought his love for shoes would have vanished by now,'' he laughed again.

I love Saeed. He's the best big brother ever, he's always there for me and he's just all round funny. He does everything for Ahmed and I, ensuring that we have everything that we need. Of course, I love Ahmed too. I have a close relationship with both of my brothers. Ahmed and I are two years apart; him being 19 and I being 17. He's always helping me with school work because he understands the greater difficulty of it now and Saeed is always helping me whenever he can. We're practically inseperable.

We finally finished shopping. Saeed ended up buying a jacket and Ahmed managed to get one of the two remaining Ronaldo boots and a jacket. I ended up holding the krispy kreme box.

It took us ten minutes to get out of the car park and by the time we left it was 2:30pm. The match starts at 3:30pm so we had plenty of time to get to eat our doughnuts and get to the stadium.

I wanted to write this fanfiction for a while, I hope you enjoy reading it :)

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