The End

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The school year was coming to an end. He and Louis continued their charade and nothing had changed. They had applied and been accepted to the same college and Harry knew that they couldn't continue like this. There had to be a change. It was breaking him apart. He had to talk to Louis about it. Make him listen. He had to be strong and stand his ground.

He waited for their graduation day to have the talk. He managed to get Louis alone after the ceremony. They were camped out in his empty dorm room and Harry took a deep breath before he started to talk.
"Lou? I know you don't want to talk about this but please just listen to what I have to say."

Louis gave him a pensive stare but nodded his head with a sigh.
"I don't know what's going on with you. I wish you could just talk to me, to help me understand but I can't make you do that." Harry started off.

He could see Louis get tense but when he didn't say anything Harry continued.
"Ehm, I'm in love with you Louis but I can't continue this thing between us when we start college if there isn't a change. I mean, I want to be able to touch you. Show you how much you mean to me. I don't know what's going on with you but I deserve to be treated better than this. Maybe you're not in love with me, and that's okay. You just have to tell me that then. It's just, I can't go on like this Lou. So, think about it. We could use some time apart. Just make up your mind. Okay?"

Louis's eyes teared up.
"Yeah okay, I'm sorry Harry. It's been hard for me. I need to ehm, do something first before I can give you an answer you deserve. I promise I will explain everything."

Louis hugged him tightly and gave him a kiss before they went their separate ways. Harry felt hopeful. Louis hadn't said that he wasn't in love with him. He hadn't said much but the things he did say made him feel like maybe everything would work out. He went home to Holmes Chapel with a light heart.

He didn't hear from Louis during the summer but that was okay. He had been the one suggesting they should take some time apart so he gave him space. He had a great summer even if Louis was always with him in the back of his head. He missed him so much.

Before he knew it the day had arrived
for him to get to college in London. He was so excited. Mostly because he was finally seeing Louis again. He was a little bit nervous. He had no idea what Louis would say but he had hope. His own feelings hadn't changed. He was still in love with Louis.

They packed the car with all the things he needed and took off. His mum had gone a bit overboard. A small fridge was squeezed between moving boxes in the backseat along with a tv. Harry just shook his head in amusement. A tv would be great but he had managed to do just fine without one in high school.

He pulled out his phone to send a quick text to Louis to see which time he would arrive. He couldn't wait to see him.

Hi Lou. I hope you had a great summer. I really missed you. What time do you arrive at our new campus? Do you wanna meet up? 🙂

He waited for a reply and didn't have to wait long. A couple of minutes later his phone vibrated in his hand. His eyes grew wide when he read Louis's message.

Hi Haz, I'm sorry, but I dropped out. I'm not going to college. Goodbye Harry.

Harry started to cry uncontrollably and his mum stared at him in shock before she turned her eyes to the road again.
"What's wrong sweetheart?"

"L-l-l-o-o-ui-s d-dropped o-out-t." Harry managed to get out.

Anne parked the car on the side of the road and hugged him closely.
"I'm so sorry. You really like Louis huh?"

Harry let his mum comfort him and soon he managed to calm down, at least on the outside. His inside was in chaos. Louis dropped out? He picked up his phone again and sent a quick text.


It took a while longer this time for Louis to reply.

I can't say. Just forget about me Harry. It's for the best.

He couldn't believe it! Previous experience told him if Louis said that he couldn't talk about it, it had to be because of him. So Louis didn't love him but instead of saying that he fucking dropped out of college to avoid him? That was so fucked up! Louis was a cruel and coward asshole. He had only used him for his own pleasure. He hated Louis! How could he do that to him? He felt so hurt and betrayed but most of all he was just truly heartbroken. His heart was shattered into a million pieces.

It was his own fault really. He had let Louis use him. He would never forgive Louis but he would try to, with time. After everything Louis had done, he still missed him so fucking much.

He cried himself to sleep that night and many more nights to come. He was absolutely devastated.

Niall had also moved to London to attend a different college. He came over to visit him the following weekend and was shocked to find him in the fragile state he was in. So after a little persuasion, Harry told him everything about him and Louis without sparing any details. He needed someone to talk to so desperately.

He had never seen Niall that angry before. He couldn't even remember seeing Niall angry at all since he got to know him. His eyes went black and he was fuming. He was a little scary, to be honest.

At least now he had an ally in his new club 'We who hate Louis Tomlinson'.

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