The decision

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Harry went back to the old high school. He knew that his mates would come looking for him otherwise and he didn't want to make them worried.
"Harry! Are you okay?" Niall asked as soon as he came up to the table his friends were sitting at.

"I think so." Harry answered and took a seat.

Liam and Zayn were staring at him, looking concerned.
"Where's Louis?" Zayn asked carefully.

"He left." Harry answered and took a big gulp of Niall's beer.

"I can't believe we were so fucking oblivious in high school. You two had a thing? Is it true that Louis acted like that? I'm sorry Harry." Liam said.

Harry sighed and put his elbows on the table and rested his head in his hands.
"Yeah, I got the reason behind his behavior explained to me tonight."

"Can you tell us? I have a hard time understanding this." Zayn said and the two others nodded their heads as well.

So Harry told them the short version. When he was done Niall scratched his head awkwardly.
"Oh man, now I feel kind of awful for hitting him. His dad disowned him? That's crazy!"

"Yeah, I feel kind of bad for him even if I don't like the way he treated you, I have my support Harry but..." Liam said with a sigh.

"I don't want you to choose sides, Liam. You can think that he treated me badly but feel sorry for him as well at the same time. I mean, I do too." Harry answered.

They talked about it some more before they decided to get waisted and enjoy the night together.

Harry spent the following week going through everything Louis had told him over and over again. He got it. Louis had only been eighteen years old at the time. Harry wondered how he would have acted himself if his dad had told him over and over again how wrong it was to be gay. He understood Louis's fear and confusion. He felt bad for him. Did it justify the way Louis had treated him? No. Could he forgive him for it? Yes.

He had been brave in the end after all and came out to his dad. He must have been so scared and then his biggest fear came through. Harry was so angry at Louis's dad for treating him like that. So what that he was gay? Your parents are supposed to love you and they are supposed to want to see you happy.

He felt so grateful for his own mum and dad at the moment. They never had a problem with his sexual orientation. He had told them in high school when he got bullied for it. They had just told him that they loved him no matter what and then they had changed school for him. They had never thought that it was a big deal. So no, maybe he didn't understand what Louis had to go through because he was one of the lucky ones who had parents who supported him but he could forgive him.

The big question was if he wanted Louis in his life again? He had missed him so much but could he trust him? He knew he still had feelings for him. That had become crystal clear as soon as he laid eyes on the beautiful man. Louis had said that he still loved him. Should he give him a second chance? It was his turn to be afraid this time. Louis had really hurt him. Was he prepared to have his heart broken once more if things didn't work out? Would Louis let him touch him this time? Not that everything was about touching. The real question was if Louis would let him love him? And would he be able to replicate those feelings? Well, there was only one way to find out.

He had pondered over this for a week now. He hadn't been sure of what he should do. That wasn't entirely true. He still had feelings for the guy after five years apart, it was a no-brainer really. He had never met someone like Louis before and yeah, he fucked up but he had a valid reason and almost everybody deserved a second chance. Maybe not Hitler. Not that guy, but Louis had just been a scared kid and Harry could be the bigger person. He wasn't one to hold a grudge. The prospect of getting it right this time fueled his determination. He was getting his Louis back!

So on Sunday he rushed out of bed and hit the shower. He washed quickly and got dressed. It wasn't more than nine in the morning but he didn't want to wait any longer. Five fucking years was enough! He got dressed in a hurry and headed out the door before the nerves got the best of him. He didn't call before he left. He just hoped that Louis was home.

It was a fifteen minutes drive to where Louis was living. He found the right door and took a couple of deep breaths and wiped his sweaty palms on his trousers before he knocked on the door. He waited a couple of minutes but Louis didn't open the door. Maybe he wasn't home? He decided to knock again.

Louis opened the door.
"Who the fuck knocks at my door this early." Louis muttered but his eyes grew wide in surprise when their eyes met. "Harry!"

Harry took in Louis's features and couldn't help but smile. He must have been asleep because he looked tired. His hair was messy and he was only wearing sweats. He was really sexy.
"Hi, Lou. I'm sorry I woke you. I need to talk to you." Harry said.

"Yeah, yeah, of course. Come in!" Louis immediately answered and stepped to the side to let Harry inside.
Harry followed him to the kitchen. His eyes were glued to Louis's bum and swaying hips and he could feel his cock twitch in his pants.

Louis turned around to face him as soon as they came into the kitchen and Harry snapped his eyes up to meet Louis'. He blushed lightly when Louis smirked at him. He had been caught staring at his ass.
"Do you mind making some coffee while I throw a t-shirt on?" Louis asked.

"Of course not." Harry answered and walked up to the coffee machine that was placed on one of the counters.

Louis disappeared and Harry tried to figure out how the machine worked. He managed to get it working and Louis re-appeared and came up to him. Harry could smell his minty breath mixed with a discrete cologne. He liked it.

Louis got two mugs from a cabinet and poured them some coffee. He walked to the fridge to get some milk and poured some in one of the mugs.
"You still drink yours black?"

"Yeah." Harry answered.

Louis handed him a mug and motioned for him to sit down in the living room. As soon as they were seated he turned to look at Harry.
"So what did you want to talk about?"

Harry didn't really know how to begin.

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