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Jimin's P.O.V

"shit I'm gonna be late!" I said running out of the house It was my first day of college and I was already running late.

I ran as fast as I could to quickly get to college, luckily it wasn't too far so I was only 15 minutes late but that still didn't stop me from rushing to my class.

Unfortunately, when I reached the class I couldn't get into it since it was locked "damnit" I sighed bending over as I was still out of breath.

It was only my first day and I had already missed the first class *-Well theres no point sitting around if I'm not gonna get in-* I thought standing up.

I began walking off but stopped when someone grabbed my wrist pulling me back. I quickly turned around to see who was holding my wrist.

I only managed to get a quick glimpse of their face which soon disappeared as they dragged me into the now opened class room door.

They let go of my wrist before walking to the back of the class, they sat down, put their hood over their head before placing their head on their desk while I looked around still stunned by their strange behaviour.

All the students eyes were on me a few of them whispering between themselves, although the whispering soon stopped when the teacher spoke.

"Ah you must be our new student?" The teacher exclaimed "yes" I said "sorry I didn't realize you were the new student I would have unlocked the door for you" she said "it's my fault I was late" I said.

"Well anyways I'm Go Jinri, feel free to call me Miss Go or Miss Jinri" she said I nodded as she continued "go ahead and introduce yourself to the class" she said slightly nudging me "ah yes my name is Park Jimin" I said.

"Your not going to say where your from? Or your age at least?" She asked "I'm from Busan and I'm 18, please take care of me" I said.

"Well take a seat wherever you like" she said I nodded walking to the back to sit next to he boy who dragged me into the classroom just minutes ago.

As I was about to sit he spoke "sit somewhere else" he said "ah sorry, is this seat taken?" I asked "no I just don't want you sitting here" he said.

"Don't mind him Jimin, try sitting somewhere else" Miss Go said "o..k.." I said moving to sit closer to the front besides 2 girls.

"..Jimin is one of the 6 students that will be joining us this month" Miss Go said quickly locking the classroom door before going back to teaching.

One hour later...

Class was finally over I sighed getting up it was so hard to focus since the two girls I sat beside constantly kept talking to me and asking me questions and saying stuff like 'do you have girlfriend' 'are you really 18? You look younger' 'your so handsome!'.

Then they started fighting and saying 'i saw him first' 'he's mine!' and of course the teacher told them off but they went back to it after a few minutes which led to me having to move.

Which wasn't any better than sitting with the 2 chatter boxes since the girl I sat next to kept staring daggers into me and I couldn't help but look down since I didn't want to start anymore problems

But anyways back to now I was heading to my next class unfortunately I couldn't really take my time and had to rush since I wasn't sure if they lock the doors as soon as the class starts.

That class was no better than the first, that same girl that was staring daggers into me in the first class was doing it there too, and in the next class she did the same which led to me trying to quickly scurry out only for her to grab my arm and pull me back and of course since I was surprised I jumped slightly.

"I'm sorry for scaring you" she quickly said letting go of my arm "it's ok" I said wanting to run off but I didn't want to be rude so I stayed put "and sorry for staring at you so much I was just curious about what happened this morning with that Jungkook" she said.

"Jungkook?" I said confused I don't even know who Jungkook is let alone what she was talking about "I'm sorry who's Jungkook?" I asked "ah the boy that brought you into class, the one that told you not to sit with him" she said.

"So that's his name.....what about?" I asked "I don't wanna be rude but what happened this morning was honest quite shocking I thought he was gonna beat you up but then I thought maybe you knew him but seeing you don't even know his name I guess not" she shrugged.

"What is he a bad person?" I asked "well I mean you could say that by the way my name is Jisoo, Choi Jisoo although I prefer to be called Lia since I have 3 friends who's names are also Jisoo" she said.

I nodded "you probably already know but my name is Park Jimin if you didn't" I said "well I hope we can be friends sorry for staring at you throughout your classes" she apologized once more.

"It's ok" I said "ah about this morning..." I began explaining as we walked out of the class room.

...To be continued...

𝓦𝓱𝓪𝓽 𝓐𝓻𝓮 𝓦𝓮《𝔍𝔦𝔨𝔬𝔬𝔨》Where stories live. Discover now