How Did It Go??

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Jimin's P.O.V

"Hey Jimin, and Jungkook" Miyeon said as we sat down we had arrived at the café I had texted to tell her we were coming on the way she said she was already there which shocked me but I didn't bother saying anything.

"Hey Miyeon" I said sitting down Jungkook doing the same "yeah hey" Jungkook said " have you been?" I asked "good what about you guys?" Miyeon asked before I could answer my phone began ringing.

*-perfect timing!-* I thought taking it out to see it was Taehyung I quickly answered it "hello?" I said "um....hello what did you need me to call you for?" Taehyung asked.

"Ah you need those papers..." I said "what papers?"  Taehyung asked "now?" I asked "what are-" I cut him off "yeah I guess" "Jimin what on earth" Taehyung said.

"Yeah I'll see you in a bit bye" I said hanging up "sorry guys I have to go Miyeon is it ok if you drive Jungkook home?" I asked Miyeon "ah yeah" she said.

"Ok then I'll see you guys on Monday bye" I said getting up and quickly walking out before Jungkook could say anything.

I got in my car taking out my phone which was ringing I answered it putting it on loud speaker and began driving off "Park Jimin just what in the world were you talking about just now?" Taehyung asked.

"I'm sorry Taehyung I just did something so bad" I said "what did you do?" He asked "yesterday after you left a girl texted me asking for me to set her up with Jungkook I didn't want to be rude and I said yes we agreed that all three of us were gonna meet up today and then I would make an excuse and leave them you should have seen Jungkook's face when I left he looked so confused" I said.

Guilt was filling me up, I felt guilty and I felt bad because I didn't tell him I was going to set him up and I didn't think how he would about it

"Jimin you idiot did you talk to him about what happened?" Taehyung asked "yes and he asked if I liked I said no and he said he's glad we're on the same page" I said.

"You probably should have told him you were gonna set them up instead of just setting him up" Taehyung said "I thought about that but if he told me not to then how would I tell the girl no without feeling bad" I asked.

"I don't know Jimin this is your problem I can't help you on this one" he said "what am I gonna do if he gets angry? I should have thought about this before!" I said.

"Yeah you should have well I don't know how He is when he's angry but I'll pray for you either way" Taehyung said "please do!" I said.

"Yeah ok I have to go now I'll see you on Monday" he said "yeah bye" "bye" he said hanging up "shit, Jimin just what have you gotten yourself into?" I asked myself pulling up outside my house.

I just have to hope he's not angry.

A few hours later...

Author's P.O.V

It had been 4 hours Jimin had been waiting for some type of text from either of the two but he got nothing the guilt was swallowing him up.

He sighed going to text Miyeon it was easier to text her than it was to text Jungkook


Hey how did the date go?

Unfortunately she didn't reply straight away like before "what am I supposed to do!?" Jimin asked he wanted to know if the date went well and why they weren't saying anything

After 2 more hours he finally got a reply from Miyeon


Yeah it went well thank you


Oh thank goodness I was so worried




Because he might have been rude
or something




Ok well I'm glad it went well


Yeah me too


So are you guys meeting up again?


Were still deciding


Oh ok well that's good.


Ah sorry Jimin-ah I have to go
I'll talk to you another day


Yeah it's ok bye!



Jimin turned off his phone throwing it into his bed *-'if it went well enough for them to consider meeting again why hasn't Jungkook said anything?-*

Jimin shrugged "maybe he's busy" he said getting up now he could breath he wasn't panicking about weither or not they were good.

That night Jimin finished his assignments he didn't get any messages from Jungkook it bothered him slightly but decided that it shouldn't bother him since why two never texted casually before anyway.

...To Be Continued...

Double update!

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