Ruined Life..Another Chance?

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Author's P.O.V

"You fucking bitch you ruined his life and you think you can ask for another chance!!?" Hoseok asked throwing another punch at Taemin.

"Hoseok stop!" Jimin said trying to calm Hoseok down he didn't want to get hurt and kinda wanted Taemin to get beat so he didn't rush to stop him

Your probably wondering what is happening let's start from the beginning of the day.

"wow I slept so well" Jimin said getting out of his bed and going into the bathroom he brushed his teeth and used the toilet before coming out.

When he walked into his bedroom he noticed a note on his side desk he picked it up and read it.

I don't know if you will see this or not but if you do then I thought I should tell you that you fell asleep and so I put you out you in your bed and then I left I haven't said anything about what happened yesterday to anyone and I think maybe we should talk after school today


Jimin's P.O.V

"Right.." I said putting it down and getting ready for school I was shocked that i got at 7am without an alarm, as much as I didn't want to go to school I new that if I didn't go it would only cause more problems so I quickly got ready.

Luckily the first 2 classes Taemin wasn't there I began thinking maybe he wasn't coming, Hoseok kept asking me if I was ok every 20 minutes.

Unfortunately Taemin was in the rest of the classes which made my stomach bubble but I eventually got over it when it came to break time.

Which was now, we were sitting in the cafeteria, and to everyone's surprise Jungkook was sitting with us unlike every other day where I usually sit next to Lia and Taehyung I sat next to Jungkook and Hoseok today.

"You ok did something happened with Taemin yesterday?" Hoseok whispered "No what would happen?!" I almost shouted catching everyone's attention "sorry, he kept saying something annoying" I said.

They all went back to their conversations "so what the fuck happened?" Hoseok asked nudging me I sighed knowing there was no way out "When I was on my way home he showed up I saw him and he called me out when I saw him of course I tried to run but he caught my hand and was like wait I told him not to touch me, he said he wanted to talk I asked why he was here he and he said he was here because we needed to talk I told him I don't want to talk to him and asked him to let go and he did then I ran I didn't look back once!" I explained

"He actually let you go?" Hoseok asked "yeah" I said "I don't believe that shit something else happened isn't it?" He said "what else would have happened?" I asked "don't let me find out he did something to you because if he did I will not hesitate to beat the shit out of him!" Hoseok said.

"Yeah I know" I said *-that's why I'm not telling you the rest-* I thought "but why is he out of jail?" Hoseok asked "I don't know anyways let's stop talking about him" I said noticing Yoongi clearly listening to everything we were saying

Hoseok nodded and went back to eating his I sighed before doing the same "your not gonna tell him the rest?" Jungkook whispered seeing Hoseok had started a conversation with Yoongi.

"No he'll beat him up" I said "so what after what happened yesterday do you really think he doesn't deserve a good beating?" Jungkook asked I just stayed silent and went back to eating my food.

"You don't think he does?" Jungkook asked "I don't know Jungkook, you don't even know anything so you have no right to get involved" I said.

Jungkook opened his mouth to speak but before words could come out someone spoke "involved? Involved in what? Is he trying to get in-between us?" Taemin asked from behind me sending shivers down my spine.

Hoseok turned around just as fast as Jungkook did "oh Hi Hoseok-ah" Taemin said slightly waving at Hoseok "calm down Hyung" I said quietly "you know him, Jimin?" Lia asked "y-yeah" I said.

"Why didn't you say so he can sit with us if he wants" she said "n-no he's busy and he has to go" I said quickly "yeah he can't be here right now" Hoseok said.

"Don't worry Hoseok-ah I'm just here to get Jimin we promised to talk today" Taemin said "you what!?" Hoseok asked "I didn't promise" I said "come in Jimin it will only take a minute" Taemin said.

I sighed before getting up Hoseok pulling me back down "he's not going anywhere anything you have to say say here!" Hoseok said "ok.. Jimin-ah my lovely baby and ex boyfriend will you give me another chance?" He asked.

That's when Hoseok lost it and threw a punch straight at Taemin's face knocking him back slightly "You fucking bitch you ruined his life and you think you can ask for another chance!!?" Hoseok asked throwing another punch at Taemin.

"Hoseok stop!" I said trying to calm Hoseok down I didn't want to get hurt and kinda wanted Taemin to get beat so he didn't really try to stop him.

Although Lia, Taehyung and Joshua did along with Namjoon and Jin, Yoongi pulled out his phone and started recording it.

Author's P.O.V

"If you never snaked him out he would be fine" Taemin said holding his now sore cheek as Joshua and Taehyung held Hoseok back "are you fucking serious do you want me to punch you again?" Hoseok asked trying to get back at Taemin but couldn't since Taehyung and Joshua's grip was just to tight.

"Hyung calm down" Jungkook said "ah it's that brat from yesterday!" Taemin sighed "why do you keep getting involved Jimin doesn't even like it or you he likes the boys that are rough and can beat hi-" before he could finish he left a harsh slap on his face.

...To Be Continued...

Shit went down!

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