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After reading the script, the group of friends had decided to gather together and to discuss it. They were willing to help Jade with the production of the play, however, there was more to that. Having read thoroughly through the work, each friend, with the exception of Cat, had recognized events, even people in it. Strangely, yet not-so, it had first been Tori and Andre who had noticed the resemblance between themselves and certain characters. They had been the ones to organise this certain meeting, believing there was a matter to discuss.

I can now see why Jade tends to behave the way she does, Tori thought to herself as she waited for her friends to come one by one. If the script was indeed based on Jade's life, her heart went out to her friend. She had gone through so much, it was killing Tori on the inside. The scene that was based on the birth of Jack West had broken everybody's heart.

The first one to arrive was Andre, holding the copy of the script. Upon seeing Tori, he couldn't help but take her in his arms. She was his closest friend and had been the one to help him overcome his crush on Jade. Andre himself had been in tears while reading Jade's script.

The next to join them were Cat, Robbie and Rex, who would not stop with his annoying unnecessary comments. As if they were needed!

Almost everyone had gathered in the living room when the doorbell rang. Finally! At the door were Jade and Beck, who mumbled a half-apology: "We're sorry that we are late."

"It's okay, you're just on time," Tori invited them in with a forced smile and gestured to them to join everybody at the kitchen table.

"We read the script," began Andre, but Cat quickly interrupted him adding too cheerfully that everybody had loved it, Robbie being quick to agree with her. He always agreed with her.

Jade neither said anything nor moved a millimetre from her seat. She was beginning to suspect what was going on. She had assumed it would happen, but had hoped it wouldn't. And there it was - her worst nightmare coming true. All of her secrets were exposed. She felt like an open diary that anyone could read.

She could see the mouths of her friends moving but was paying no attention to the words that rained from them.

Before anyone could dare to stop her, she had already dashed off.

The Script [JADE WEST]Where stories live. Discover now