hey....wtf are you doing

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There you were standing in the old beaten up door way of a rundown hotel in the middle of nowhere, staring blankly at your friend gyro as he aggressively shoved a massive meatball down your other friend's throat, that other friend being Johnny joestar.

"SORRY" was all you could muster (is that a word.....I feel like I have heard that before) out before running full speed out the door way, although you just weren't fast enough. The back of your shirt was grabbed and the floor was greeted with your fat ass ( I dont mean this is a mean way I mean in like the THICC way, love yourself) before you could scrabble from gyros hold on you he slammed the door shut.

You didn't even want to turn around the amount of aggression when he grabbed you before made you scared, you felt as if he was really fucken pissed at you that you walked in on him torturing Johnny. "I.......I'm sorry I didn't mean to walk in on......you guys......I just was going to tell you that we have to leave tomorrow morning at 9:00 am if we are going to be ahead of Diego......that's all...." you said without looking behind you.

"How much did you see (y/n)" you knew that was gyro, his voice was deeper then Johnny's. "You......pushing the....meatball in......" he was deathly quiet it terrified you to the very bone. "And" he said "T-THAT WAS IT I SWEAR" you said whipping your head around at face him. He was towering over you with a fork in his left hand that had the biggest meatball you had ever seen hanging off the end, his funky little hat was over his eyes causing a shadow over his eyes (ya know like in anime were you cant see there eyes for dramatic effect) so you couldn't read his expression. Before you knew it he was reaching down to you.

Mhm.........I have nothing to say really if anyone reads this then feel free to ask me if you want me to do something specific and I will be more then happy to try my very best and add it in :)))) stay hydrated💦

Gyro! stop force feeding me food!!!!Where stories live. Discover now