help i cant even say its 3 am cuz its not

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It smells strongly of spaghetti and meatballs causing you to wake up and shift uncomfortably in your constraints. You look down and identify those constraints as rope that you would use to tie horses to posts so they don't wander. 

This made you rightfully concerned...until all of you memories came tumbling back into your brain. You looked around the room in a panic to not find gyro nor johnny anywhere to the naked eye. You began hyperventilating and sweating profusely. (Lmao wth is this???) Thinking "shit were is he gonna hurt me......I already told him I saw what he was doing to johnny" then you felt it...breathing...on the back of your neck. Your body instantly froze from pure fear and terror, knowing you were about to die.

Before you could find enough courage to look behind yourself a blindfold was wrapped around your eyes causing you to be temporarily disabled of your sight (one long fucking way to say your blind). You were on edge even more then before all of your senses should have been heightened but they were doing just the opposite because every part of you body was focused on the Italian cowboy (🤠) breathing on your neck behind you.

"Now that you have seen me and johnny.........bonding........I cant just let you go" you heard his smexy voice say (we can only assume his voice is smexy😔) each syllable sending waves of emotions down your body causing you to let out a meek high pitched noise that most resembled a squeal.

A plate being picked up off a surface, yes that was the noise you identified after you stopped feeling him breathing down your neck. Each small shuffle, creak from a floor board or distant foot step probably coming for residents going on with there daily lives. (Am I taking to long......I feel like I am lmao sorry)

Boots and they were approaching you (oh? Your approaching me?) At a lazy speed. When they finally reached you  the intoxicating smell of warm spaghetti and meatballs filled your nose almost making you want to piss (?) "Nyho~" his laugh always made you want to smile although this time was different because next thing you knew was he was on your lap......straddling you......(wtf also I kinda I had a dream like this.......whatever anyway let's continue) this instantly made you gasp not by surprise or shock just the pure or should I say unpure thought of this GORGEOUS man straddling you. Your thoughts were soon interrupted by feeling his soft (gyro moisterises 💅🏼) thumb on your chin pointing it upward you could only assume towards his face.

You thought this was it he was gonna kiss you so u puckered up and was ready when he said "what are you doin, open your mouth" you thought "well shit dawg that hurted wait why does he want my mouth ope-" before you could finish your little talk with yourself he pried your mouth open and shoved a fork full of authentic tomato sauce with massive fucking meatballs and REAL mozzarella cheese (SING WITH ME U KNOW WHAT IM TALKEN ABOUT) in your mouth, now nothing would be wrong with that but your head was tilted up cause you to gag slightly.

This only turning him on more making him pushing (bro wth am I doing..........) the fork further down your throat making you gag again and muffledly call out his name (so I didn't think this was going down his path but okkkkkk) "y-yreo stop ie" ("gyro stop it") he instantly stopped seeing as you were struggling to breath this gave you just enough time to swallow everything that was presented on the fork.

This didn't stop him from shoveling another whole fork full down this time he attempted to make small encouragements to help with the overwhelming process, "it's ok u can do it" "u look fantastic" "this is what has to be done" that last one made you question if it was true or not because this seems more for his own enjoyment and pleasure.

A/n how did I get to 699 words so fast? literally hate whatever the hell this is it's really weird but sense I read wattpad all the time I decided just to make something it doesn't have to get any views or votes I just wanted to make it lol😂😌wish I could say yoooo ya know its 3 am and I decided to make this but it's not its 2:20 in the afternoon on a Thursday.....I have no excuse😔 get some...........go ahead💦💦💦😌

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