
655 13 4

27th August 2018
"Mummy!" Squealed an excited 4 year old's voice at 7am on a Saturday morning.

"Hey baby, you okay?" Dianne asked sitting up in bed and bringing her little girl into her arms.

"Yeahhhh, doesn't stwicly start again today?" Lillie asked jumping to face her on her lap.

"It does sweetie, why are you all excited?"

"Becwase you get a new partner silly! It means i can waybe weet him, wike I did wiv Rev wast year"

"Maybe yeah, did you like revvo"

"I woved him!" She said bouncing up and down on the bed.

"You okay with spending the day with auntie megs aren't ya?" Dianne asked she always checked in that she was okay with who was looking after her, she didn't want to force to go to someone's house she didn't want to be at.

"Yep, why can't I come wiv you vo" she whined,

"Because little monkeys like you aren't allowed on the launch shows or on the main shows only on the camera block throughs on a friday" Dianne explained whilst getting herself up and out of bed.

"So why didn't I go wast year?" She had a lot of questions this morning after all strictly was her favourite time of year, after jismas.

"Because it was my first year, and I didn't want you to feel uncomfortable, but you can maybe come this year" It was only her housemates Johannes and Amy who knew about Lillie out of the strictly people (and the crew of course) and truth to be told she didn't want everyone knowing her first year on the show.

"Otay" Lillie skipped off into the kitchen to go and say hi to auntie Amy who she had become very fond of over the past year. It left Dianne to wonder what would have happened if Jason had stayed with them, how would her life be now? She had been single ever since, every man wanting Dianne but not her little girl that came with her. She knew one day she'd find the one who wasn't afraid to let Lillie into their life but she just had to wait. She always questioned if it was a bad choice too, moving her and Lillie half way across the world just for her career. If it was a bit selfish, but then she thought about how Lillie's character hadn't changed and she was still the same bright bubbly girl she was in Bunbury. Dianne questioned these things often and if Lillie would ever actually have a father, to help look after her. Luckily because she was 4 she would be starting reception in September so that would help with child care, but then she thought about how she'd have to tell her partner at some point about Lillie, she'll need to pick her up from school herself and possibly bring her to training during holidays. After all she only had megs in England who wasn't constantly busy with strictly stuff.

Dianne pushed all these thoughts aside and began to get ready putting on light make up as she knew it would only be wiped off again when she got make up done at the show. She chucked her hair into a bun and made her way downstairs to see her daughter sitting on the counter chatting away to Amy as she waited for her mum to come down.

"Erm Lillie Alice down" Dianne said firmly coming round the side of the island to pick her up and put her back down on the floor.

"Sowy mummy, why can't I sit on the counter, it's fun" Lillie said wrapping her arms around Dianne's legs.

"Because you could fall off and hurt yourself it's a long old drop and we don't want you hurting yourself do we" Dianne explained crouching down to her level "anyway what do you want for breakfast missy" she said tapping her on the nose making her giggle.

"Coco pops!" Lillie squealed, coco pops were her new favourite thing and she had them nearly every morning.

"Thought so, once we've had breakfast we'll get dressed, do teeth and then go to megs yeah?" Dianne asked pouring her some coco pops.

"Yeppy" Lillie said pulling herself up onto the stool.

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