down days

503 11 5

It was in the middle of training for the Paso and Dianne was suddenly hit by a sharp pain. Oh no. She knew what this was, she was due today but she forgot about it. Her and Joe had only been dating for a few days and he already had to meet shitty period Dianne. She was worried as to how he'd take it, he had a sister though he should be familiar with these things by 27, baring in mind Lillie knew what to do when her mum was on and she was only 4, but she didn't know the whole process, all she knew was to be quiet because of headaches and give lots of cuddles and get things for her because her body was going through a tough time every month that's all it was to the 4 year old.

"Joseph can we stop a minute I need a break"

"Yeah sure, you okay?"

"I'm fine just needed to stop for a bit"

"Okay then" he could tell she wasn't fine really but he thought it was better to just give her space.


It got to 4pm and she'd been having cramps for the past 4 or so hours, all she needed was her bed, her baby and her Joseph.

"Joe we can call it a night now"

"It's only 4pm, are you sure your okay?"

"No, I'm not" she began to cry into Joe's chest.

"Aww baby what's wrong"

"Cramps" she sobbed, the pain only worsening.

"Aww honey cmon let's get you back home, I'll get Byron to drop Lillie off at yours when we get back okay, and we can snuggle in your bed"

"Thanks Joseph"

"You don't need to thank me darlin it's what I'm here for, cmon let's get back and see your girly eh" He stood up picking his and Dianne's things off the ground and slipped his arm round her waist as they walked to wait for the uber.


When they were nearing Dianne's apartment Joe texted Byron to drop off Lillie at her house as he had got her from school today presuming they'd be coming back to Joe's but instead they weren't.

Hey byron, can u drop Lillie of at Di's pls she's got cramps and wants her girl

Yeah sure man, I'll be there in about 15

"Byron's bringing Lillie Di and then we can all cuddle and watch a movie and get you a hot water bottle okay"

"Okay" Dianne murmured as she rested her head back on Joe's shoulder and fell asleep for the rest of the ride home.


Joe and Dianne were both in Dianne's bed snuggled under the duvet, watching a movie when little head poked round the door.

"Mummy? Joey?"

"Hey sweetheart, come up here you can watch this movie with us but be quiet because mummy isn't feeling great"

"Is her body being nasty and rough again?" Lillie kind of knew what time Dianne was on and off too so sensed it would be soon.

"Yeah it is, so we gotta be quiet and give her cuddles okay"

"Yep I know"

She climbed onto the bed, sitting on the other side of Joe copying her mum by putting her head on his chest watching the tv apart from her mum was asleep. It was in that moment with Dianne under one arm and Lillie under the other that Joe felt like a dad, he never thought he'd feel like one until he had kids of his own but the world works in weird ways.


"How are you?" Joe asked when Dianne eventually woke from her slumber.

"Better, I needed Joseph and Lillie cuddles"

"Do want anything?"

"Chocolate, and bed which I already have, and my girl and my boyfriend" Dianne turned her face into the pillow blocking her eyes from the light that was coming through the curtains.

"I'll go get you some chocolate, then I'll be back" Joe lifted the sleeping Lillie off him and went to the chocolate cupboard of Dianne's house, where he'd find something she needed.

"Oh hi joe" Amy said surprised to see Joe going through the chocolate cupboard in her house.

"Hi amy"

"What are you doing here? Aren't you meant to be training, I've just finished"

"Oh, di has cramps so we came back, I'm just getting her chocolate"

"So, where is she?"

"In bed with Lillie"

"You guys seem close" Amy walked round to the coffee machine, determined to get something out of Joe everyone in strictly suspected something to be going on between them, but neither of them have told anyone anything if something was.

"Yeah close friends" Joe tried to disguise the blush that was creeping up onto his face.

"Why are you blushing?"

"I'm not, it's just warm"

"Actually, this house is cold, and we don't have heating on right now, so that Sugg is a blush" Amy smirked having caught him out.

"Fine, yes we are together but don't tell a single soul" Joe warned worried for Dianne's job if anyone from the crew found out, even if the strictly curse was a normal thing for the show, it didn't mean it wasn't risky.

"Don't worry, my lips are sealed. I'm happy for you guys though, I sensed something" Amy smiled widely clearly very happy for her friends.

"Thanks Amy, I'm gonna get back up to di, see you later"

"Bye Joe" Joe walked through into Dianne's room and got back under the covers inbetween Lillie and Dianne.

"Took you a while to get chocolate Joseph" Dianne giggled.

"Takes a while when you get stopped by Amy"

"Did you say anything?"

"I mean yeah she kinda guessed to be honest, she said she won't say anything though"

"I trust Amy anyway, she's one of my best friends on this show"

"Great, I've been replaced as best friend"

"Your best friend and boyfriend, no one can replace you" Dianne pecked his cheek, as he passed her the chocolate and soon enough Dianne was asleep and Joe was left with the film playing and his two girls next to him yet again.

A/N idk what this chapter is tbh it's kinda just a filler, hope you enjoyed it anyway. Bella xx

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