he's special

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Joe and Dianne were in an uber on the way home from Blackpool, they both couldn't wait to see the little girl that would be waiting for them when they got home because Byron had looked after her whilst they away for strictly.



"When are we gonna tell Lillie? Like about us"

"I don't know it's up to you, she's your daughter so you can make that decision I don't mind when but sooner rather than later"

"Might just do it later today because I don't wanna keep hiding it from her"

"You do it whenever you want to darlin" Joe kissed the top of her head and pulled her into him whilst they carried on driving home.


"Where's my little monkey then?" Dianne called into the house as soon as they walked through the door, soon enough a little girl came running round the corner to greet them.

"Mummy! Joey! Yay your home!" She said lifting her arms up infront of Dianne.

"Hey baby how are you?" Dianne asked covering her face in kisses making her giggle.

"I otay, I missed you vough" she said burying her face into Dianne.

"I missed you too baby"

"Joey!" She squealed leaning over and reaching her arms out so she could be taken out of Dianne's arms and into Joe's.

"Hey little one, were you good for Byron?" He asked picking her out of Dianne's arms and into his own as Dianne got their bags up to his room.

"I was amazin I always am" Joe laughed at her sass that she always had. "I hungy" she moaned a few minutes later after being content in Joe's arms.

"What do you want as a snack honey"

"Erm do you hab cwackers and teese"

"Yeah I do, do you want that"


"Here you go darlin, I'm gonna go up and see mummy okay you stay down here" he said sliding a plastic plate of crackers and cheese towards her.


He wondered upstairs, and saw Dianne unpacking her little suitcase she had taken to Blackpool. He went up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. "You okay baby?"

"I'm good just wanted a Dianne cuddle"

"Well you can have them any time you want" she said turning round and giving him a kiss before snuggling back into his chest.

"Also I was thinking" Dianne nodded for him to continue "I mean you and little one basically live here already"

"Bit far Joseph" Dianne interrupted.

"Go on then, on average per week how many nights are you round here"

"About 5"

"Yeah 5/7 nights honey that's most of the time" he laughed.

"Sorry continue"

"So I was thinking, Byrons moving out soon, moving in with emily so I thought I could make Lillie's kind of already room a bit more Lillie if you get me"

"Aww joe that would be so nice of you" she said lifting her head up to kiss him again, this time it lasting a bit longer than just a peck, but they were both soon interrupted by a voice they didn't think they'd hear.

"You kissed!" Joe and Dianne both span around to see Lillie stood in the doorway of the room.

"What are you doing here? I thought you were eating" Dianne asked walking over to her.

"Well I finished eating and you were taking ages so I come up 'ere and you kissing joey!" She explained all excited because her new favourite couple had just kissed.

"So what if I told you I had a boyfriend sweetie" Dianne said crouching down to her level.

"Well I'd first say why you kissing joey if you have a boyfwend mummy dats bad, and den I'd say isn't he just gonna run away like dee over ones becwause of me" Lillie said tears pricking her eyes.

"What if I said this wasn't like anyone other boyfriend and he's special"

"Den I'd say who's so spesal" meanwhile Joe had just carried on unpacking their suitcases but he made sure he could still hear the conversation.

"What if I said, he's in this room right now" and with that her face lighted up.

"Joey! Mummy is it Joey!?"

"Why don't you go ask him" Dianne smiled standing up as she ran off to go talk to Joe leaving Dianne standing there in awe of what was about to happen.


"Yes little one"

"Tan I ask you somefing"

"Go ahead"

"Are you mummy spesal boyfwend?"

"I am darlin" Lillie practically jumped onto him, Joe managing to catch her before she fell to the ground.

"Does dat mean dat you might be my daddy one day, mummy always said that when she finds the wight boyfwend they'll be my daddy and you seem pretty wight" Dianne started freaking out inside, it was way to early to be asking the daddy question especially when her and Joe had only been dating for a month or so he didn't need her bombarding him with the daddy question. She was about to say something when Joe stepped in.

"Maybe, if your mummy would let me and we stay together then maybe little one, maybe one day I could be"

"Otay" Joe put Lillie down and she ran off back downstairs.

"I'm so sorry Joe, I didn't know she was going to ask the daddy question especially so early sorry" Dianne said getting up and walking over to him.

"It's okay darlin don't stress about it, it didn't shock me that much to be honest I knew it would come eventually" he pulled her into him and kissed her hair.

"See that's why your special"

A/N this is a kinda soft chapter it needed to happen tho, also I'm updating early bc my gc were getting mad at me for not updating till later so here it is early😂 hope you enjoyed. Bella xx

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