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It was week 3 of strictly and Joe and Dianne had just finished rehearsals for the day. "Di" Joe walked over and sat down on the bench next to her.


"I was wondering if you wanted to come to mine after training and we could film some reaction videos to our first 2 dances, it could be like a series"

Dianne thought for a bit if she said yes she'd have to bring Lillie, she had been nagging for weeks to meet Joe but was week 3 too early?

"Yeah of course, but I have to tell you something first"

"Okay go ahead"

"Well I'm gonna need to see if it's okay if I bring another person to yours today, it's a little person don't worry"

"A little person what do you mean?"

Dianne couldn't figure out the words of what to say so instead pulled her phone out and got up a picture of Lillie from her camera roll. "This is the little person I'm on about"

"Awww, who is she?" Of course Joe hadn't properly caught on, to be fair it could look like Lillie was her niece she didn't exactly explain well.

"She's my daughter" Joe turned to her shocked, then again anyone would be if they had just found out their dance partner had a secret child.

"How come you haven't brought her into Strictly before?"

"Because no one really knows about her, the only people in England who know are my best friend megs and Johannes and Amy because I live with them, and now you"

"Maybe bring her to camera block through on Friday, she can meet everyone else I bet she'd love to"

"Maybe I'll ask her later" "anyway yeah that's my big little secret"

"How old is she?"

"She's 4, oh I just realised you don't even know her name, it's Lillie, Lillie Alice" Joe took another look at the photo, she looked so much like Dianne but she had long blonde hair instead of brown which was Dianne's natural colour, he just assumed the dad has blonde hair which he did, but she had Dianne's gorgeous hazel eyes, and was small for a 4 year old like how Dianne is small.

"She's beautiful Di, are you sure she'll be okay with meeting me?"

"She's been asking ever since launch I think she'll be fine with it" Dianne laughed pushing herself up off the bench, holding a hand out for Joe.

"C'mon then we still have 2 hours of training" Dianne said as Joe took her hand, pulling him up off the bench.


"It's 6, shall we call it a night" Dianne said as they'd just finished a run through of their American smooth

"Yeah can do, I'm guessing Lillie is at yours right?" Joe questioned of course he had no idea what happened with her dad so he didn't know she basically couldn't be anywhere else

"Yep, her babysitter Lydia is looking after her until we get back, so we can just nip to mine, grab her and her iPad to keep her entertained then we can head to yours to film" Dianne explained whilst gathering her things up


They got out of the uber they had got from training and went up to Dianne's apartment, met by a very excitable little girl.

Dianne put her keys in the door and opened it. "Hello" she called out and soon enough a little girl was running round from her room to greet her mum "hiya princess, how was school?" Dianne asked picking Lillie up and giving her a kiss on the head.

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