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@RandomThought: "I hate going to the kitchen and finding out I'm the only snack in the house."



Luna the White Wolf could not wait as she ran towards her father, Alpharix, the Magical White Wolf.

Her home, Wolvera, was a special place surrounded by a barrier and hidden from all humans or any supernatural creatures. It always baffled Luna how humans who became werewolves never gave thought as to where their all grown up Wolf had come from.

This was the sacred place where special Wolves destined to join with the humans, were born, then natured and trained as they grew up to adulthood.

Surrounded by luscious trees and animals to hunt, it was a Wolf haven paradise before they were sent to their humans. Once ready, her father was the one who send each grown Wolf to their destined human. Then they would merge as one under the magical moonlight, on specific birthdays...thus creating a Werewolf.

It only worked on those humans with the Werewolf bite or who had inherited werewolf genes.

But today...yes today was a special day. After waiting for a hundred years, it seems that the time had finally come for her to know who her human was going to be.

As she passed by the other Wolves, they all lowered their heads in submission, affirming her higher status, after all she was royalty, daughter of the Great White Wolf!

Her father was one who held their fates in his hands as he could make them end up with the most difficult humans ever. Being in his good graces meant the chance to end up with a good human.

Merging with a human was for life, you would both live and die with that human's choices.

However, Luna was very sure that he had chosen the best human he could find, after all, she was his daughter! She hoped she would get a courageous, kindhearted and brave human-like her previous human, the legendary Vampire Queen Sonia.

As this time, it was permanent...for life. She would not be able to return here to Wolvera, her home like last time. But she would be with her mates, whom she had already she did not mind.

She found her father, waiting for her near the magical spring, the doorway, and mirror to the humans.

"My daughter Luna," he first said while looking fondly at her in his large White Wolf form.

"Hello, Papa." As she replied, she rubbed against his side as a sign of affection.

He then signaled for her to come look into the water with him, so she could finally see who her human was.

Heart beating in excitement, she eagerly walked forward to look.

"No Papa...why...her?" Luna could not help but growl in shock after a while of gazing at the human her papa had chosen for her.

This was a bad...more like the wrong human for her!

A spoiled brat and self-absorbed human who seemed to only care for herself.

Luna knew so because the spring had also let her see her destined human's life, from the time they were born up to now. Every moment and memory of their life. It was done to make it easier for a wolf to bond with their chosen human while knowing everything about them already.

And Luna had not liked what she saw. Not one bit!

Worse this was a human about to soon commit one of the worst Werewolf Atrocities...marrying and mating someone who was not her true mate!

"No papa, this is the wrong human!" Luna continued in a horrified voice, heck she would have rather preferred to switch places with another Wolf. Like her Wolf best friend Belle...whose chosen human was the good sister, Zendaya.

"Luna, do not be so quick to judge your destined human. There is more to her than what meets the eye." Alpharix said in reply with a soft tone to his beloved daughter.

"Well Papa, I will only Merge with her, when she has proven her worth! This is the human you made me wait a hundred years for...I deserve that right ." Luna spoke having made up her mind. How could such a self-absorbed human be trusted to hold her sacred White Wolf powers?

"So, you will not accept to merge with her on her birthday as planned?" Alpharix could not help but ask his hard-headed wolf pup with a frustrated sigh. She was the only one who could get away with defying him. The apple of his eye.

"As you wish will be together only when she proves her worth." The White Wolf finally proclaimed...doing something he had never done before. Denying a human their Wolf on their 18th birthday!

"Thank you, papa. But for now, I will keep watch over her from here." Luna replied and continued staring at the water, watching over her destined human. 


(This has SAMPLE CHAPTERS ONLY) For the full PUBLISHED BOOK please click EXTERNAL LINK Below or keep reading the many chapters ahead. Thank you!

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