Chapter 4

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"@ItsFunnyLife: Person dies in movie; "Eh. They probably deserved it." Puppy dies in movie: "WHAT THE FUDGE! WHAT DID THE PUPPY DO?!""


Chapter 4

"I can pay you double even triple what they are paying?" I could not help but offer to this madwoman disrupting my wedding day. The Limo driver looked unfazed and kept on driving to who knows where they were taking me.

Being older than me, they were also fully shifted werewolves meaning I stood no chance.

"Sorry I do not accept bribe from an Evil Werewolf Queen," Diana sneered in reply while untying her bun to let her middle length blonde hair flow freely. Then unbuttoning a few buttons of the high collar blouse she had been wearing. No longer was that elegant, classy and proper lady all about etiquette instead she had become a rogue looking person. She also pulled up her sleeves to reveal her hidden tattoos.

"So, it was all an act, this is the real you," I could not help but ask while also feeling offended at being called an "Evil" Queen. As far as I knew I had never done anything to her but hire and trust her,

"Yes, this is the real me. You rich people are so easy to fool. Fell for my fake CV, fakely created reputation and my fake proper lady acting skills. I fooled you all." While mockingly saying that she took out a cigar from her purse and was now using a lighter to light it up. The gun was still pointed at me though so I would not try anything.

"But why do all this, what do you want." I continued asking wanting to solve this as quickly as I could and give her whatever she wanted. I was thinking about the huge wedding I was missing. How worried everyone would be, especially my mate Miles when I would not show up.

"First I am a rogue darling," she first replied while blowing the smoke rudely into my face making me cough a little.

Her reply made me a bit stunned as she did not smell like a rogue and it made me realize that she had used something to cover her scent.

"Secondly I was sent by my leaders to spy on you the packers earlier when that sister of yours Zendaya first joined the family. They wanted me to find out what was going on." Hearing Diana say that made sense as that was the time, I first met her.

"Luckily there was a job post available and I easily got it, of helping Zendaya adjust to castle life. Then that shit happened of the King and Queen being killed. Who knew you Royals could have so much drama!" she smirked in amusement while placing the cigarette back on her mouth to blow more smoke.

While she said that I almost wanted to close my eyes in pain from that tragic memory as Diana was the one who had found them dead with Zendaya holding the knife. I always tried to not relive that day.

I also hated the way she was talking nonchalantly about it as if it was funny.

"But now, it seems as the new rulers, the crown has gone to your heads. You and that shitty Werewolf King mate of yours think that we will just stand there and let you kill us off." While growling that angrily, she gave me rage-filled eyes.

", We are Rogues. For branding us criminals we will show you all what real Criminals can do. You shall surely regret having started us." She growled while moving her face near me, trying to intimidate me.

"That is because you are criminals! You just killed all my guards minutes ago like it was nothing!" I snapped back.

But my answer seemed to have made her angrier as fiery rage shone in her eyes.

Luckily her attention shifted to her phone which quickly vibrated from a text coming in. Diana had looked like she was about to hit me on the face so I was thankful for the distraction.

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