Their Illegal Engagement

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I sat at the counter, stirring the ice in my glass around not really caring about the DJ who was trying to get everyone pumped up or the screaming clueless girls who couldn't see or hear the boys creeping up on them until it was too late and the top of their dress was already off. I chuckled seeing Allison's martini fly into the air as she became the next victim and she glared at the boy behind her before poking him with her finger. 

I blocked out their conversation as I had no need to hear what those two idiots were going to fight about as their arguments always took a sharp turn down stupid street. I felt the strap of my top sting my shoulder and I turned around before kicking the idiot's shin and laughed as he fell. "Why didn't it pop?" "Because you're lame." Was all I said before Hillary looked across the room before pinching me and pointing. 

"It's rude to point Hillary." Allison chimed in as an alcohol covered boy stormed away and I looked over to where Hillary was pointing. Two boys stood across the room, staring in our direction and talking like little school girls. Both were the same height and broad shouldered, had what seemed to be blonde hair, however that could've just been the strobe lights of course, and were quite gorgeous for two teenagers in a small town like Blaine Montana. 

"He's staring at you." Hillary sang and I rolled my eyes before replying in the same tone. "I don't care." I turned back around before grinning at the bartender who placed a beer in front of me and I put it to my lips, enjoying the taste. "Sassy cat!!" I groaned loudly as a muscular arm appeared on my shoulder and I looked up into the amber eyes of Lucas, one of the boys who thought he was the best thing on earth since sliced bread mainly because all those stupid girls at our school worshipped him. 

"Stop calling me sassy cat you man-whore." He gasped exaggeratedly and I rolled my eyes before going back to my beer and he ripped it out of my hands before I could. I glared at him before punching him in his stomach but I groaned when I was the one who got hurt thanks to his rock hard abs. At least football keeps him in shape. 

"You wanna dance?" "No." I shot him down simply and bluntly. Never lead them on and never stay with them too long. That was my motto when it came to boys and it was one I was going to live by.  Lucas, however,  had different plans. He grabbed my freckled arm before pulling me up and I groaned while my two "best friends" cheered me on. Traitors. All of them are traitors. I found myself in the middle of the dance, or bedroom I should say due to some of the things I saw, floor and Lucas grinned down at me with that stupid look on his face. Oh wait, it is his face never mind.

"So sassy cat," "Still not my name." I interrupted and he waved his hand in the air. "When are you going to accept that you love me?" He pulled me to him and I took off his hands before putting them at his side. "Luke. Lucas. Kid. You're nice to look at but no. I don't love you." "Why?" He bawled and fell to the ground and I raised a dark eyebrow as other people stopped to look at us. "Turn around!" I yelled and they did so before I turned back to Lucas before bending to his height.

"Lucas dear, let's make this absolutely clear. Love does not exist. Say it with me now. Love. Is. Shit."  He glared before scoffing and hugging me to his chest and I sighed as I tried to get away but he only  increased the pressure. I turned around before noticing the two boys again and I realized that one of them was looking at me - staring actually- and when I stared back, he didn't even look away; he smirked. He just stared at me like he knew something I didn't with that stupid smirk.

Creepy gorgeous freak.

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