Chapter 5

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Spreading out along the walls, I look around at the other prisoners I will be fighting. I can feel the magic coming off the witch across from me as the stench of death follows from all the others.

One witch and three vampires.

This wasn't going to be an easy fight.

"You all know the rules," a man calls out from behind the glass. The entire arena is set up like an aquarium. The fighter inside the tank as the spectators watch on, "Be the last one left standing."

I shutter at the meaning. Everyone who falls in the arena is sent to the scientists to experiment on. Those who die become cadavers to be studied. Those who live are cut open in exploratory surgery.

The only way to be sent back to your cell and avoid it all is to win.

"Make it a good match."

The alarm sounds and the fight begins.


Years Ago

The sun shines off the clouds as I pull my soul closer to me. I had set up a quiet dinner date with a stroll through our favorite park after.

Sitting under a giant willow tree, I'm trying to get up the nerve to tell her the truth. In the last four months together, we have become inseparable. I never thought I could love her so deeply, and I pray that she loves me in return.

But I'm also lying to her about who I am. I'm terrified that she will run from me, but I'm even more petrified that she won't forgive me for keeping a secret.

I pulled my Sunshine closer as the breeze sways the branches. She sighs in content before snuggling closer to my chest.

"Today has been a perfect day. Thank you, Phoenix," she leans her head back to lightly place a kiss on my lips.

I smile down at her, "Are you happy?"

Her smile lessens as she searches my face for the meaning behind my question. She can feel my nerves through our bond, and it's making her worry, even if she doesn't know why.

"Phoenix, what's wrong?" she asks me, her concern masking her joy from earlier.

"Do I make you happy?" I ask her.

"Of course you do," she says as she turns in my arms. She runs one hand against my cheek as her other hovers over my heart, "Where's all this coming from?"

My arms tighten around her waist as my body fills with dread. I know I have to tell her the truth about who I am and who she is to me, but I can't lose her. If she can't accept what I am, I don't know what I'll do.

"Phoneix?" her voice pulls me from my thoughts of losing her.

"Sunshine, I have to tell you something, but I need you to keep an open mind."

"Alright," she shifts uncomfortably, "What is it?"

"I am a lycan."

Confusion shines in her eyes as she pulls back slightly. I can tell she's waiting for me to laugh with some joke, but I can't.

"I'm serious."

She bites her bottom lip gently. A habit I've noticed she always does when she's trying to make a decision.

After a few minutes, she releases her lip and brings her eyes back up to mine, "Prove it."

"Are you sure, Sunshine?" I ask her, giving her waist a quick squeeze as I use her nickname.

"I want to accept that you aren't crazy, Phoenix. But you just said the words 'I am a lycan' and if my knowledge of myths is correct that means werewolf," she says, annunciating the word werewolf, "What were you expecting? Me to smile and say 'Okay Phoneix. That's nice. Let's makeout now'," she throws her hands up in exaggeration.

"Well, I definitely wouldn't be opposed to making out," I joke.

She slaps my chest with the back of her hand. She fights to keep her smile at bay, but I notice the tips of her lips lift slightly, "I'm being serious!"

"So was I," I place a quick kiss on her cheek before pulling back with my smile still in place.

She gives me a soft look before she says anything, "I need proof, Phoenix."

"I know you do" I agree with her as I pull back and lift my hand up between us, "I won't ever harm you, Sunshine. Just remember that."

She nods her head in a silent promise.

I needed to show her the shift, but lycans don't turn into wolves. My bones grow larger as my veins and muscles expand. My body transforms where I still am humanlike, but I'm a beast.

It's that form which terrifies humans. It's not of a majestic wolf, but the look of a monster.

Moving my eyes from hers, I focus on my hand. The bones start to shift as the shape becomes longer and larger. My nails turn into claws and the veins enlarge. My Sunshine gasps as my hand turns into the hand of a monster.

I close my eyes as I hear her heartbeat race. She is going to run from me, and I wouldn't even blame her. I am a beast.

The minutes feel like hours as we both stay completely still. Then I feel it. The sparks start as I feel the small touch of the tips of her fingers running along the palm of my hand.

My eyes snap open in shock as she moves across the hard skin. I watch in amazement as she studies my claws.

"You aren't running away," I whisper as my future starts to look brighter again.

She flattens her palm against mine, "Did you truly think I would run?" she asks me.

"I am a monster," I tell her truthfully.

Her lips tip in a smile as she leans closer to me once again, "You are not a monster to me," she places her lips against mine in a gentle kiss. The action made like a small promise, "To me, you are the man I fell in love with."

My smile overtakes my lips as her acceptance fills my body. She isn't running away. She doesn't fear me. She loves me.

"You love me," my words holding the shock I feel running through my system.

Her laugh sounds like a jingle as she moves closer to straddle my lap, "Did you really have any doubt?"

I kiss her soundly, putting every ounce of love and passion I feel into the action, "I love you Sunshine."

Her smile takes my breath away, "I love you Phoenix. Always."


I feel the blood run down my chest as one of the vampire's claws dig into my skin. Growling from the pain, I fight against my body's instinct to completely shift.

Wrapping one hand around the vampire's wrist, I twist his nails out of my chest and snap his wrist. The crack of the broken bone followed by cheers from the onlookers fill the arena.

We were the only two left standing. Dropping his useless hand, I wrap his throat in my grip. My long claws dig into his skin as black blood flows out.

"Enough," I growl low enough so only he could hear me.

"Kill me," he begs, "I can't live like this anymore."

"You won't have to too much longer," I tell him. I squeeze his throat tighter, "But your escape is not through death."

Moving my left hand up to the side of his head, I use my grip on his neck to twist. Snapping his neck won't kill him, and he won't feel anything the scientists do until he heals.

Breaking his neck would only buy him time away from his torture.

I see black spots start to fill my vision as I collapse on to the dirt. The pain from the fight filling my body.

For just one second, I think I made the wrong choice. I should have respected his wish and killed him. I should have stopped his torment.

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