Chapter 16

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Three Months Ago

"We need to go in and get him!" I plead with Alpha Jacob.

"How?" he asks, frustrated with the same conversation we've been having for days, "We have no idea where they are holding him."

"We send someone in to join them," I tell him. He opens his mouth to argue, but I cut him off before he can say anything, "We just killed their lead scientists during the attack on Phoenix. I did some research on them and one of them is a geneticist, like me."

I place the file in front of him. He reads over the paperwork for a second before it clicks in his mind what I just told him, "You want me to send you in."


"Not a chance. Phoenix would kill me if I sent his soul to the people holding him captive."

"It's the only way. I'm the only one qualified in the right field."

"You're eight months pregnant!"

"And if I do nothing, this baby will grow up without any parents at all!" I scream. At my outburst, his face falls as a sadness takes over his features, "If they kill him, I die too. Our baby won't have either of us. Please Alpha."

"It doesn't have to be you," he tries.

"They test for wolf genes, so none of the pack can go in. None of the human mates are qualified and even if they were, the mating mark is too visible," I argue, "I can hide my soul mark under a lab coat and if anyone does see it, I can claim its a tattoo."

He shakes his head, "I don't like this. Phoenix wouldn't want you to put yourself in danger."

"Well he's not here, so he doesn't get a vote ."

His lips lift in a small smirk at my sass-filled tone, "I'm assuming you have a plan."

I nod in answer before I dive into what is going to happen over the next month, "I need you to stage a car accident. We can use one of the cadavers from the university lab. Slice up the car so it looks like wolves attacked it and killed the man inside. I'm going to come forward and claim him as my husband."

"How are you going to get the sign-off?"

"Peggy, Jared's mate, works at the hospital. She will make sure cause of death is suspicious with unfamiliar DNA found. Over the next month, I'm going to publish a few papers about supernaturals."

"That might discredit you completely," he tells me.

"But it will put me on their radar. Geneticists aren't easy to come by, especially ones who are willing to believe in werewolves. It should be enough to get an offer."

"You still have a pretty big problem in your plan," he tells me as he looks down at my large stomach.

"My due date is only five weeks away," I tell him, "I'm going to work with Peggy to publish the papers until I go into labor. By the time my daughter is born, the hunters should be looking at me as a potential candidate."

He leans back in his chair as he reads over the file with everything I just told him. Minutes pass in silence as he tries to make a decision.

"I would like to point out that I don't need your permission," I tell him. His head jerks up and he stares down at me from across the desk, "I'm not one of your pack members. I'm only here asking for your help because Phoenix trusted you. I'm going to do this with or without you."

He sighs as he throws the file onto his desk, "I can't talk you out of this?"

"Could I? If it was your mate?" I argue.

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