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Francis' Point of View
I opened my eyes to Mary laying on top of me, she had her head laying on my chest and held onto me close. Last night was amazing, it was honestly the best sex i've ever had. It was good because it was with a woman who I love. I don't want her to leave. I want her to stay with me in bed, forever. Her whole body is just so amazing, so is her mind. She challenges me and makes me strive to be a better person. But at the same time here body is amazing and she is a good kisser. She began to move around in my arms. "Are you awake?" I asked "No shush." She said "Wake up and kiss me good morning." I smiled "Only because you're cute." She smiled then leaned in and kissed me. "Are you sore?" I asked "No, it did hurt a little at first but then it was all pleasure." She said. "Good." I smiled tucking her hair behind her ear. "Come to England with me and be my mistress." She laughed "Your mistress?" I laughed "Yes, you can lay in my chambers all day and look all pretty for when I get back." She laughed "You're so pretty." I smiled "Stop, no I'm not." She blushed, I flipped her on her back and started tickling her. "Say you're beautiful and I'll stop." I smiled "Fine!" She said through her giggling. I stopped tickling her. "I'm beautiful." She smiled "Hell yeah you are." I smiled then kissed her. I laid on top of her and she wrapped her legs around me, I put my hands on her waist and pulled her in closer. She wrapped her arm around my neck pulling our lips even closer. I pulled away. "What's wrong?" She asked "Nothing, just let me look at you." I smiled, I stroked her cheek with my thumb. I began to kiss her neck, her skin is so soft. "I love you." I blurted out. "What?" She asked, I pulled my head up from her neck and looked at her. "Nothing, forget it." I said then kissed her. "No, what did you say?" She asked stopping me from kissing her. "Nothing!" I said "You love me?" She smiled "Uh, yeah I do." I said avoiding making eye contact. She held my chin in between her pointer finger and thumb, forcing me to look at her. "I love you too." She smiled "You do?" I smiled "Yes." She smiled then kissed me, she kissed my cheek. "I." She kissed my other cheek. "love." She kissed the first cheek again. "you." She kissed my nose. "I was so scared to say it." I smiled "I know." She smiled, our moment was interrupted by trumpets playing. "That's means a royal is here." I said "What? Who?" She asked, she pulled the sheet over her naked body and went to the window. "Holy shit." She said "What?" I asked going over to the window. "It's the English, it's Elizabeth." She said "No fucking way." I said, she's right. "I have to go get ready." She said rushing out the door. Uh she is naked with a sheet covering her. Good thing her rooms are close, she's also sprinting. I quickly put on a nice jacket and pants, then boots. I rushed down the stairs and to the throne room. Elizabeth, Tomas, and my parents were in there. "Your grace." I nodded my head in a sign of respect. "Francis, Elizabeth is here because she doesn't want war with Mary." My dad said "Yes, where is the Scottish Queen?" She asked, I saw Tomas eyeing me. "No idea, I'm sure her ladies have her dressed and on her way here." I said, Mary came in wearing a beautiful red and yellow gown, those are England's colors, that's bold of her. Let me tell you when Mary is in serious mode she doesn't fuck around. "Cousin, it's great to see you." Mary smiled then curtsied "Indeed it is." Elizabeth said and curtsied "Shall we get to business?" Mary asked "Yes." Elizabeth said. We all sat down at a table. "I love England, but I don't want to get married. If I'm not married they won't accept me as their queen." She said "What do you mean?" Mary asked "Even if a woman is really running the show from behind the scenes, they need a man to look at." She said "I think they believe their penis' give them special powers." Mary laughed, so did My parents, Elizabeth, and I. "You want to get married though?" Elizabeth asked, Tomas looked at Mary and Mary looked at me. "Yes." She said "I will let you be the Queen, you can unite Scotland and England once and for all. But I want to be regent." Elizabeth said "Why would you give up England?" Mary asked "Leave us please." Elizabeth said, we all walked out. I paced back and fourth. What is going on in there? Elizabeth came outside. "Are my chambers prepared?" She asked "Yes, yes the servants prepared them. I'll take you." My mother said. "Great, thank you." She said, they disappeared down the hall. My Father came over to me and whispered "You will marry her, we need England." He said "What if she doesn't want to marry me?" I asked "Thats your job to make sure she does." He said. Tomas went inside to speak to Mary. Hopefully she can tell him to fuck off back to Portugal. She won't say it like that, though I wish she would. I sat down against the wall. My little brother Charles came down the hall. "Charles come here." I said "Hi." He smiled "Come sit." I said, he sat on my lap facing me. "Francy I have a question." He said "What is it buddy?" I asked messing with his hair. "Do you think Madelyn likes me?" He asked "Yes, why wouldn't she?" I asked "Sometimes she doesn't want to play swords." He said, I smiled, I remember when Mary and I were children and we would play all day and all night. "Sometimes girls don't wanna do the same thing boys want to, what's important is she still plays swords sometimes because she knows you like it." I said "Are you going to miss Mary when she goes to Portugal?" He asked "Mary can make her own decisions, I care about her and I miss her. But if she really wants to go I won't stop her." I said "Madelyn likes to read stories where the prince has to save the princess, maybe you can save Mary." He said "Mary is a unique kind of woman, she can save herself." I said "Well just because she can doesn't mean she doesn't want you to save her." He said "You're too smart for your age." I smiled "I know, Henri is stupid." He said "He is two years old." I said "Maybe he should grow up." He said "Oh stop, be nice to our brother." I said "Fine, I'm going to play." He got off my lap and ran down the hall. I walked outside, it's so nice out. I went to me and Mary's old tree house. We used to hide up here as children and my Mother couldn't get us out no matter how hard she tried. "Francis!" I peaked my head out and it was Mary. "Hello." I said "Hi." She smiled "Good mood or bad mood?" I asked "Good but stressful mood." She said "Come up, the treehouse will cure your stress." I smiled, she smiled and climbed up the ladder. I could see her cleavage, so sexy. She got up and sat next to me. "What happened?" I asked holding her hand. "Elizabeth pretty much wants to be able to sleep around with both men and women without having the pressure of being Queen and having to marry. So I will be Queen and she will the regent until she dies. It's a way to unite our countries with out war and we both get what we want." She said "Oh wow, good for her." I said "I know, I admire her. She is a powerful woman." She said "What about Tomas?" I asked "I'm a single Queen now." She said "Single?" I asked "Yes, no one has asked to court me let alone for my hand in marriage." She said "I think someone will ask soon." I said "Do you?" She smiled "Yes, this someone just doesn't want to rush her into another relationship." I smiled "I think that someone should tell her they should take time to really to know one and another and find out if they are right to be married." She said "I agree, I'll tell them that." I smiled then kissed her.

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