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Mary's Point of View
I sat with James in his nursery. "Who loves you the most?" I smiled holding his hands. "Mommy and Daddy!" James giggled "Yes we do." I smiled pinching his cheek. "I'm hungry!" He declared. "Well perhaps we should go get some blueberries." I smiled "Blueberries! Yay!" He smiled, they are his favorite. "Come on love." I held his hand. He learned to walk and talk at a very early age, obviously it's just simple sentences but still impressive for only 16 months. He knows all his colors and can count to 5. "Raspberries too?" He asked "Yes of course." I smiled, Francis turned down the hall and saw us. James saw Francis then immediately started running towards him. "James be careful!" I said, and with that he tripped and fell. On the carpet thank god. Francis scooped him up in his arms. "Daddy I have a owie." James cried. "Where does it hurt?" Francis asked, James pointed to his knee. Francis lifted him up and kissed his knee. "Better?" He asked, James nodded but still hugged Francis crying. They absolutely adore each other, they love each other so so so much. Not to mention James looks just like Francis, it's almost eerie. "How are you?" Francis gave me a quick peck on the lips. "Good, we are about to get some blueberries and raspberries." I smiled "Oh well you can't cry when you are about to have your favorite fruit!" Francis said attempting to comfort him. "Yes I can!" James said "He is a tad grumpy today, he couldn't sleep last night due to his tooth ache." I said "Is it better now?" Francis asked James. James nodded and began to stop crying. "The doctor said it's fine." I replied "Good, Valois men are unstoppable." Francis smiled, James started giggling. "Show me the muscles!" Francis laughed "Oh my Francis." I smiled, James held up his arms and attempted to flex. "You are so strong." Francis smiled. Suddenly Henry came over. "You two will be happy to know that I found a good home for James to be raised it, this is the time I was sent away for an education." Henry said "No, no my son isn't going anywhere." I said "Mary I really think this is what is best. It is normal for royal children to be raised apart from their parents. Francis only stayed with us because he was such a sickly child." Henry said "Well Father of course we appreciate your offer and even though we are blessed with a healthy son, Mary and I would both prefer if he was stayed here and raised by us. He is going to be king one day so wouldn't it be best for him to stay here and learn how to rule?" Francis said "I really didn't mean any harm, I thought you would appreciate having more time to produce more heirs instead of watching James." Henry said "No! No that is not what we want! You will not take my son from me." I declared and took James from Francis before walking off. "I didn't mean to make her mad." I heard Henry saying as I walked away. I walked to James' nursery. "It's nap time my love." I laid him down. I laid a blanket over him and gave him his teddy bear. I sat down and gently rocked his cradle. Francis came in and sat next to me. "He meant well, in his own screwed up way, he meant well." He said "He was threatening to take my son!" I said "Mary it was not a threat, it was an offer. An offer than would have been intriguing to most, but we aren't like most. I want our child in our home, being raised by us." He said "Francis my family was taken from me, and I will forever fear that it will happen again. I'm petrified that you and our children will be taken from me." I said "Mary that won't happen, I won't let it. Please just trust me, trust I won't let any harm come to you or James." He said "Of course I trust you can protect us, but you can't control everything! You could die in a hunting accident or flipped carriage!" I said "Mary, if you spend your life constantly worrying about the what if's you will never truly live. You are an amazing woman, you shouldn't spend your time worrying. Our little family will be okay." He said "Thank you for talking me down." I said holding his hand. "Oh it's no big deal, we all have our moments." He said, I laid my head on his shoulder and wrapped my arms around his waist. "Did you say children? As in plural?" He asked "I didn't want to tell you, it's so early and there is still such a high risk of miscarriage. I'm only in the second trimester. I was going to tell you but not until I knew it was for sure." I said rather quickly. "I love you, I love you so much. And James. And our future son or daughter." He smiled "It's still so early Francis, I don't want you to get your hopes up." I said "Mary, stop worrying." He kissed my forehead "I don't know a lot about pregnancy but I do know when you are under a lot of stress you are more likely to lose the baby. So just cut down to like 90% worrying instead of 100%." He joked "You think you're so funny." I smiled "Yes I do. But on a more serious note, I know the anxiety, worry, and stress can't be easy for you. So if you need someone to talk, I don't know how much help I will be, but I'm here." He said "I couldn't ask for a better, more supportive husband." I smiled then kissed him. "I'm so happy we are pregnant." He smiled "Me too, I didn't think I could love you more than I did but when I see you with James it just makes my heart explode." I smiled "Come here." He smiled, he held my chin between his thumb and pointer finger and pulled me into a kiss.

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