18th Birthday

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        I woke up to the sound of birds chirping and the smell of bacon and eggs being cooked. I removed my once warm blanket that was wrapped around me and made my way to the kitchen. I walked down the hall half asleep and reached the kitchen. I plopped onto a chair and rested my head against the cold counter top.

        "Happy birthday, Jaycee." My mom cheerfully said.  "Have you heard anything from your supposed soulmate?"

        "Not that I know of mother. It's only like 6:30 in the morning." I half mumbled.

        I lifted my head from the counter top and noticed that breakfast was ready. I grabbed a plate and headed over to the stove. "It looks good, thanks." I smiled. Once my plate was filled with bacon and eggs, I sat down at the table and slowly began eating my food. I had almost started to doze off until I was snapped back into reality hearing a strange voice. 

        "Hello?" I heard the voice say.

        "Uhhhhh, hi?" I answered back. 

        "Well happy birthday I guess, you got any plans?" the voice said. I sat in complete silence, wondering on whether or not I should lie to him. 

        After around ten minutes of thinking it through I gave him a somewhat lie. "Eh, probably just fail a math test."

        "God, it took you long enough. Anyways i'm actually really good at math, let me help you!!" 

        I checked my watch to see that the time was now 7:15. My eyes widened as I realized I was going to be late for school. I went to my room, opened my dresser, grabbed some jeans and an over sized hoodie, quickly changed into them, and then grabbed my shoes. I grabbed my book bag that was at my door and rushed out. With my shoes in one hand and my book bag in the other I ran out the front door and started half running to the bus stop. 

        I had barely made it to the bus stop when the bus arrived, and was now out of breath. Everyone looked at me like I was crazy while loading onto the bus. I awkwardly smiled and waved at them, still trying to catch my breath.  When everyone that was at the stop finally all got in, I followed right after. I luckily found an empty seat and quickly made my way to it, hoping no one would be stupid enough to move seats. 

        I luckily made it to the seat in time and was now by myself. I took my headphones out of my pocket and plugged them into my phone. I opened YouTube and started playing Oh Ana by Mother Mother. I started mumbling the words to the song half way through it. "Oh ana.. i'll be with you still, you are the angel that I couldn't kill..." By the time I had listened to the song at least twice we eventually reached the school. 

        I was one of the last to get off the bus as usual. When stepping down the stairs to get off I realized I was still holding my shoes in my hand. I mentally facepalmed as I realize how stupid of me to not even put my shoes on. At this point, I didn't care as to what people thought of me so I just continued to get off the bus and walk inside the school. I received a few glances, but who doesn't get those?

        While entering the school, I had somehow managed to trip over nothing and land flat on my back. I laid there for a few minutes contemplating life as students just arriving to the school walked pass me. Eventually someone came up to me and questioned as to why I was even on the ground. I smiled and said, "the view of the ceiling is quite beautiful." I had either lied really well or the student had just gotten annoyed and left me here. 

        I had finally decided to get back up when a little crowd started forming a circle around me. I patted the invisible dirt off of me, grabbed my stuff, and made my way to my first class, math. 

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