Math Class

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        I walked into math class expecting to see a few glances because I was late. Instead, when I walked in everyone's moods were all dark and gloomy.  I started to wonder why until I remembered that there was a test today. That's not something to be sad over, right? I quickly sat down at the nearest seat.

        I set my bag down, making sure I don't make any noises. When I finally decided to look up at the board I then realized as to why everyone was in such a gloomy mood. The teacher had decided that she wanted to give us a fifty question test that we were supposed to do in less than forty-five minutes. I started panicking but I quickly remembered that Mr. Mystery Man is good at math and he said he'd help me. 

        "Errr... hey, you there?" I thought awkwardly. 

        "Why so awkward? We're meant to be after all. Just call me Josh." I heard Josh say. 

        "Oh alright. Well my name is Jaycee. Anyways, I was wondering if you could still help me with this test. It's fifty questions and there's no way I can get it done within the given time." I practically begged him. 

        "Of course, anything for you m'lady." I could basically hear him snicker. I couldn't help but giggle as well, I mean, who calls someone m'lady these days? 

       I must've giggled a little to loud because the next thing I know the teacher is yelling across the room for me to remain quiet as she continues to explain the test. 

        I couldn't help but feel flustered as I turned a shade of bright red. I could hear the little snickers and whispers from my classmates as I continued to just get redder and redder. 

        Eventually the whispering and snickering stopped and the next thing I know, there's a test in front of me and I'm completely lost. 

        "Well I just got my test, and looking at this first question, I know I'm going to fail without your help." I breathe a sigh of relief, knowing I'll be fine as long as Josh doesn't trick me. 

        "Thank God for my degree in Mathematics." Josh brags. 

        Wait, did Josh just say a degree in Mathematics? Just how old is he? Should I even trust him at this point? Am I just overreacting? I decided to just shrug it off until later. I have more important things I need to focus on, like this test. 

       Once I finished the test and handed it in, the teacher looked at me suspiciously. 

       "You never finish this fast, what happened?" The teacher whispered, making sure not to disrupt any of my classmates. 

        "I got a huge boost of motivation last night and crammed in some studying is all." I said, putting a convincing smile on my face. "Now I'm going back to my seat if you don't need anything else." I walk back to my desk, grinning from ear to ear, with the thought of getting an A on my test. Just as I sat down at my desk, the bell rang. I cursed the bell under my breath for not ringing thirty seconds earlier. 

        I grabbed my bag and rushed out the classroom. I make my way to my locker so I could grab my books for ELA. Before I was able to reach my locker, I was stopped by my math teacher. What business could she possibly have with me? 

        "Jaycee!" the teacher yelled, "I wanted to let you know that there's going to be a substitute in class tomorrow." I could clearly tell she didn't get out much, she was almost gasping for air by the time she finished her sentence. 

        "Why are you telling me this?" I crossed my arms across my chest. "Couldn't I have just found out tomorrow like my other classmates?"

        "Well yes," Mrs. Williams, my teacher exclaims, "But you seem to get along nice with all the teachers here and considering your math skills are terrible he could help you." 

        "Alright, whatever. Now I have to get to my locker, I need to get my things for ELA." I turn my back to Mrs. Williams and rush to my locker. 

        "Damn, are you really that stupid that you need to be told a sub has to help you?" Josh questions. 

        "Oh shut up. It's not my fault I have the concentration levels of a goldfish." I stamper.

       "Whatever you say m'lady. Oh and just so you know I also happen to be a substitute. In math to be more specific." I shudder at the thought that I could be paired with a forty-five year old for the rest of my life. 

        "Just how old are you, you old man?" I never heard from him the rest of the day.

       The day went by really fast, nothing too exciting happened other than the normal 'omg Becky, Ryan made eye-contact with me, I think he likes me.' It would get so annoying and it always takes everything in me to not punch the living shit out of them. It sucks that I have to go to school. Sure it's required, especially if you want to make a living. I've always wondered what it would be like to live so care-free, no rules, no restrictions, just you being you. Sometimes I've considered running away and living like how I want to, but I can never bring myself to do so. 

        Before I know it, the school day is over and I'm outside waiting for the bus to show up. I pull my phone and headphones out and start jamming to my music. Within ten minutes, the bus came and I'm sitting down with my head against the window, relating to the lyrics of the song I happen to be listening to.  

        About five minutes later I arrive at the bus stop. I swiftly get off the bus and slowly make my way home. I may have been walking a little too slow because the people behind me ended up yelling at me to get out of the way and the pushing me to the ground. I stand back and not even fazed, I brush off the dirt that had somehow made it's way onto my hoodie. I pick my bag and phone back up and continue walking, picking up my pace, so the same thing doesn't happen again. 

        When I finally reached my house, I was exhausted. I don't know how I manage to make it to the bus stop in the morning without dying, when I'm actually on time that is. I enter the house and the first thing I notice is bigish box in the middle of the living room. My mom is just sitting on the couch smiling at me, waiting for me to walk over and open it. 

        I eventually made my way over and sat in front of the box. "What is it?" I ask blandly. "You know I hate surprises"

        "Just open it Jaycee." Mom encourages me. 

        I rip the wrapping paper off and to my surprise, I see a baby german shepherd sleeping peacefully in her cage. 

        "You did not.." I started smiling so wide I thought my face was going to break. 

        "Happy birthday sweetie. Make sure you take good of her. " That was the last thing I heard for the rest of the night before passing out from exhaustion. 

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