5. My inspirational

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She was irritated with herself. Then gazed back at the bag on the floor, took out the manga she almost forgot. The cover of the manga was two groups of people face to face, their actions and expressions was yelling that they're about to attack each other, and a blue sky with white cotton-like clouds as the background. Bittersweet memories popped in her mind. Tears willing and dancing in her eyes but she refused to cry. The point was, she found the inspiration of her drawing skill and writing as well.

Looking at the manga cover then at her characters 'that's right, i was drawing....writing.....that was all going good....but...' she thought, her thoughts interrupted when her phone rang. She answered and brought phone to her ear.


"Satomi Chan, is that you?"

"Big sis..!" She recognized the voice

"Thank God it's you, i barely found your number" her sister sighed in relief

"How's it going in Tokyo?" Satomi asked

"Aah good, not bad actually, but kinda exhausting, i have lot of patients today" she looked over her shoulder out of window as her clinic was full of patients, waiting, with different tooth problems

"If you're that busy then why'd you call me?" Satomi asked in confusion, but her voice lack of expressions, she was amazed that her older sister called her but now she wasn't in mood of talking.

"I'm already done with previous patient, next one is coming by now, i just called to tell you about the party next week, to see if you don't have any exams that time" her sister stated while waiting for her next patient to come in

"A party?" Satomi confused

"Huh? Mom hasn't told you?"

"No, she didn't tell me anything" Satomi sighed, getting even more bored of the conversation. As she gazed out of window

"Well i'm coming to Osaka by next week and mother insisted she wants to throw a party cause i opened my own clinic" her sister explained.

"Interesting, and who she wants to invite?" Satomi asked in sarcastic tone which was unusual for her

"That's what i wonder about too, but since it's my party, of course you should be there, don't worry. Just check if you don't have any exams next Thursday"

Satomi checked her week schedule "no, i don't think i have one"

"Good. Ah! My patient arrived, see you next week, little sis" and with that, she hung up

Saromi let out a heavy sigh, put down the phone and gazed at her unfinished messy drawings and the last volume of her long favorite manga

"Can i be successful in what i want, like you, too?"

Then one thing hit her, after she gazed over the drawing papers, she realized they had a story. She had a story for them, and unlike her drawings, she knew where her notebook was. She opened the drawer and took out a light pink notebook. As she was turning the pages, first half of it was written, but right in the middle of notebook, the written stopped, in a small paragraph, with a smal sentence...

"We'll continue"

And the desire to continue the story bloomed in her heart

She was too tired to read the written pages all over again and she almost forgot how her story was going on, but since she was it's author, that small paragraph and sentence was enough to remind her everything about the plot. However, as much as she wanted to continue, she couldn't write a single word, she didn't know how to continue her story without making it bored or cringe. Besides right now, she was out of idea, she looked at the manga on her desk, but seemed that wasn't enough, then one thought popped in her mind, as her eyes widened in excitement.

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