Chat 6.

586 20 2


captain.daichi added futakuuuuchi and partydude

captain.daichi : so guys suga and I had the idea of all of us meeting up for a few days

I'm.always.this.nice : sounds nice why didn't you mention it in the captains chat tho?

captain.daichi : because some of you would either forget to ask your teammates or would be too lazy to ask

semisemi : we all know you mean Bokuto and Oikawa with that

prettiest.setter : I SEE MY FAVORITE BITCH KENJI

futakuuuuchi : AYYY TOORU YOU SLUT

littlegiant. : I didn't expect this
littlegiant. : they are even on first name basis

I'm.always.this.nice : no one did tbh they have a surprisingly good friendship

partydude : I'm also here-

director.enno : ew Terushima

partydude : ouch.

Saltishima : who is that?

shirabuus. : he is johzenji's captain

Saltishima : who?

akaashi.keiji. : the party group with the yellow uniforms

Saltishima : oh. ew

partydude : Ohhh hey Akaashi:)
partydude : didn't know you would be here~

akaashi.keiji. : Blocked.

partydude : ....
partydude : Oikawa

prettiest.setter : no.

Iwajime : I'm really looking forward to seeing you soon Terushima :))))

owlcaptain.hey.hey : me too :))))

shirabuus. : I'd say nice to know you Terushima but that would be a lie

tender.69 : rest in peace party dude

director.enno : his death couldn't have come soon enough

partydude : not even 10 minutes here and I am already getting attacked

captain.daichi : can we please go back to my idea?

yoursuga : coughs

captain.daichi : I mean Suga's and my idea

prettiest.setter : my team unfortunately can't come but Iwa-chan and I will be there


kunimeme : he is obviously trying to get rid of us

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