Chat 14.

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owlcaptain.hey.hey : hahah so funny story guys

akaashi.keiji : Oh no, what did you do?

owlcaptain.hey.hey : It wasn't me alone!

captain.daichi : Oikawa and Kuroo also did something right?

prettiest.setter : IT WAS KUROO'S IDEA

I'm.always.this.nice : WELL I DIDN'T FORCE ANY OF YOU

akaashi.keiji : Please tell me what happened

yoursuga : uhm why is there a garbage truck in the backyard?

akaashi.keiji : WHAT
akaashi.keiji : KOUTAROU WHAT DID YOU DO

owlcaptain.hey.hey : Okay bby hear me out

prettiest.setter : I think Kuroo should explain. It was his idea

I'm.always.this.nice : I will take responsibility

Iwajime : All three of you will take responsibility but explain first

I'm.always.this.nice : Okay so
I'm.always.this.nice : I always wondered how it is to drive a garbage truck. Then I thought 'hey why not just do it?'. But I didn't want to do it alone so I got Bokuto and Oikawa to do it with me. Bokuto was in right away, he was bored because Akaashi was busy. Oikawa took some persuasion but I promised him a lot of milk bread and alien merch so he was okay with it too.

memequeen : none of you have a driver's license tho?

kunimeme : wait how did you get the truck in the first place?

I'm.always.this.nice : I'm getting there wait. So we found a garbage truck real quick. It didn't really take a lot of talking they just wanted Oikawa's number and a pic with Bokuto.

director.enno : notice how no one wanted something from you

I'm.always.this.nice : MEAn

Iwajime : so you took these two with you to use them
Iwajime : and Oikawa I hope you will tell me if they message you

prettiest.setter : They did! One of them isn't so bad he was the only one who didn't send me a 18+ pic

Iwajime : My hate for Kuroo is increasing quickly


Iwajime : No I'm staying angry at you

yoursuga : Kuroo continue the story

I'm.always.this.nice : So after getting the truck, the hard part was driving it. I think I did a good job tho

owlcaptain.hey.hey : I mean I wouldn't say hitting 6 mail boxes, 2 cars, a garbage bin and nearly three people is a good job

gamerboy. : Seriously Kuroo

prettiest.setter : he did get the hang of it after a while. But then immediately crashed into our backyard

captain.daichi : and these idiots are captains of three powerhouse schools

akaashi.keiji : all of you are in huge trouble @Iwajime you take care of Oikawa and I will take care of Bokuto-san

Iwajime : on it!

captain.daichi : Kuroo did the most damage

semisemi : exactly. I think some alone time with Ennoshita should be good enough

I'm.always.this.nice : NO PLEASE DON'T

director.enno : I shall deal with him

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