Author's note

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Hey hey hey bubs❤

Thank you everyone for stopping by to read my story.
Lately I have been updating less and less because I was on vacation (yeah I flew during Corona ik) and school started. It lead to me completely losing where I was in this book.

I also kinda got too many ideas for a crossover between sports anime. Kinda wanna write one about it.

So I will be doing that with Oikawa in the center because I always imagined him being good with people. *cough* kinda wanna put drama *cough*.

Do you guys want another social media story(cuz I have seen none about those yet) or just like this book social media mixed with short stories the short stories would be linked together cuz I will be writing a complete story orrr do you just want a normal story.

1=social media
3=normal story

Comment or dm me 1,2 or 3 pls ^^

Thank you for taking this journey with me even if it was a lil short❤

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