Short Stories 2.

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Seijoh's adventure

"You are so mean Makki"

"Well sucks to suck Oikawa stop crying". Oikawa and Hanamaki have been fighting for the last half hour. It started with Hanamaki making fun of Oikawa for crying in his last post. From then on it just escalated quickly. Neither of the two seem to want to back down. Iwaizumi was close to exploding and Matsukawa who was just laughing at the situation didn't help either. What did Iwa do to deserve this kind of team?

"You know what Makki I'm leaving. My own group was much better anyway" was the only thing Oikawa said before turning around and storming off. Hanamaki was frozen on the spot, he probably didn't expect that reaction out of Oikawa. Before he could run after Oikawa he was stopped by Iwaizumi.

"Leave him be. I'll go after him in a few minutes"

"I'm sorry Iwa please don't kill me." Hanamaki was on his knees begging to Iwaizumi. The rest of their team was just staring at Iwaizumi wondering what he will do. It wasn't a new fact that Iwaizumi was awfully overprotective of Oikawa. He hits him sometimes but if anyone hurt his boyfriend in any way they probably wouldn't live for another day.

"You know how sensitive he is. You better buy him a lot of milk bread and hope he forgives you. " Hanamaki nodded and Iwaizumi sighed before running in the direction Oikawa went.

It didn't take him long to find Oikawa. Iwaizumi was used to him running off all the time. He found him hugging Sugawara tightly. Poor Suga seems to be at a loss for words to confront the sad boy.

"And then Makki didn't even apologize Mr.Refresing."

"I'm sorry about that Oikawa but I think he didn't mean to hurt you."
Suga saw Iwaizumi approaching and looked relieved. Iwaizumi nodded to him in acknowledge.

"Iwa-channnn" was the only said before Oikawa attacked Iwaizumi with a hug. Iwaizumi quickly wrapped his arms around the boy and let him hug him tightly.

"Where are the rest of our group Suga?" Iwaizumi asked, noticing that the only one left from his original group, Group 5, was Suga.

"They are just getting some food Bokuto wouldn't stop complaining about being hungry. How did the meet up with your other teammates go?"

"As you can see not that well. Hanamaki and Oikawa fought." Oikawa just whined in his arms and hugged Iwaizumi tighter.

"I'm sure they will make up. Until they do Oikawa can stay with us." as Iwaizumi was about to thank him, Bokuto,Futakuchi, and Daichi came back. Their hands were full of different sorts of food. Daichi was the first one to notice that Iwaizumi came back and that he wasn't alone. He gave Iwaizumi a confused look but just got a head shake as an answer.

"TOORU HEY" Futakuchi screamed after noticing his friend too. Oikawa looked up but made no intention of wanting to let go of Iwaizumi.

"Hey Kenji" Futakuchi probably didn't expect that standard reply from his friend. He seems to have realized that there is a reason why his friend wasn't his usual cheerful self.

"Oh, Oikawa how's Akaashi? You guys were together in a group right?" Bokuto asked the still sad boy.

"He was good the last time I saw him" Bokuto seemed to be satisfied with that answer. Iwaizumi wasn't. Oikawa isn't his usual self and it worries him. He looked at Suga and he seemed to get the hint.

"Guys let's leave Iwaizumi and Oikawa alone for a while" Suga said and led his group away from the pair. Futakuchi gave him a thumbs up before leaving.

"So do you want to talk about it?" Iwaizumi got no reply but knew Oikawa well enough. He pulled the boy to a near bench and let him lay his head on his shoulder.

"Makki was mean. We haven't got alone time between the third years for a while and he didn't even care" So that was the problem. Oikawa was missing their time together and thought he was the only one.

"I'm sure Hanamaki didn't mean it Tooru" Oikawa looked up at the use of his first name. Iwaizumi only used it in special moments.

"How can you be so sure?"

"We have all been friends for 3 years. Of course he cares about it. Maybe if you told him why you were upset he would have assured that he cared"

"He just called me a cry baby and didn't even let me explain"

"I know but with Hanamaki, it takes a while you know that." Oikawa huffed and laid his head back on his boyfriend's shoulder.

"Don't be stubborn Tooru. Sometimes you have to take the first step."

"You're right Hajime. I'm just scared of a bad reaction I guess. " Iwaizumi expected this. Oikawa wasn't a huge fan of confronting people about sensitive topics. That was why he had a hard time getting along with Kageyama for a long time.

"I know you are but I am here with you. If it ends badly I will just slap Hanamaki." Oikawa laughed and raised his head to look at Iwaizumi. A smiling Tooru always made Iwaizumi's day. He leaned forward and gave him a kiss. It didn't take long till Oikawa kissed him back.

"Seriously? Here I am freaking out about being possibly murdered and you two are making out?" The pair broke their kiss to see Hanamaki looking at them. He was closely followed by Matsukawa and the rest of their team.

"Don't you want to say something else Makki?" asked Matsukawa. Hanamaki seemed hesitated but looked at Oikawa.

"I'm sorry for being mean I didn't want to hurt you oiks."

"It's all good I probably should have talked with you about before going all drama queen." Hanamaki and Oikawa laughed together. The fight seemed to be solved.

"Alright now that the two made up. Let's go eat I'm starving." Everyone laughed at Matsukawa's proposition.

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