Chat 10.

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rollingthunderrrr : So we have one couple more now right?

Best-senpai : Yes:)

director.enno : Yep

I'm.always.this.nice : in the end I will be the only single one

director.enno : perhaps man up and confess???

I'm.always.this.nice : IT'S NOT THAT EASY OKAY

Iwajime : it is, I confessed right away

shirabuus. : to be fair literally everyone can see how obsessed Oikawa is with you

memequeen : lolol anyone but Oikawa. I remember him rejecting Iwa at first

memeking : it took one day till he realized he was gay for Iwa
memeking : Good times

memequeen : remember how much Oikawa panicked? Iwa was so calm lmao

Iwajime : I knew he was gonna realize it eventually

I'm.always.this.nice : cool story and all but not everyone is that confident in their love life : speaking of Oikawa : how is he? He was still crying last night right?

Iwajime : still pouting about his loss but he will come around

future._.ace : I'm sorry I didn't want to make him sad!

Iwajime : all good he just hates losing

littlegiant. : Futakuchi too according to Aone he refuses to leave the room

Saltishima : Good
Saltishima : then we don't have to go through that again

I'm.always.this.nice : did you hate being in a group with me that much?

Saltishima : Yes.

rollingthunderrrr : bet he wished you were Yamaguchi

Saltishima : shut up noya-san

prettiest.setter : I didn't cry wdym
prettiest.setter : I just had dust in my eyes

Iwajime : sure you did love

prettiest.setter : OFJSOHSOODHA say that again:( but this time to my face pls

Iwajime : alright stop pouting then

prettiest.setter : Yay~

mad-dog : I just ask for one day without all the lovey dovey
mad-dog : just this morning I had to deal with Daichi and Suga flirting

yoursuga : we weren't flirting??

mad-dog : there was literally room next to him but you had to sit on his lap

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