17. Unsatisfied

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"How long till I get to see your beautiful face again?" Jisoo asked over the phone, Chaeyoung grinning from the other end.

It was the early hours of the morning, at least for Chaeyoung and Chanyeol. The show that night had been a great success, sparking the creative juices inside Chanyeol to start working. While normally Sehun was his companion for his late night studio sessions, recently he had been requesting for Chaeyoung to join him, despite the fact that she was of no use to him in there. Most of the time, they wouldn't even talk, Chanyeol too caught up in his own thing. But Chaeyoung understood her place; there as a nice distraction when he felt like he had been working too hard. It wasn't like she'd complain though. She was getting the inside scoop on all the latest ideas floating round his brilliant brain.

"Not too long now." Chaeyoung assured, tugging the blanket around her shoulders tighter. "I think we've got five or six shows left."

"That's good, I've missed the usual victim of my bullying for making bad decisions." Jisoo teased, Chaeyoung imagining the mischievous grin that she knew just flashed across her face.

"I'm beginning to think that Chaeyoung has been buried in the past." She wondered out loud, glancing up to the source of all her past issues.

Opposite from her in the room, was Chanyeol, his back facing her as he played around with the pencil in his hand. He seemed calm that night, the ridges of the muscles in his back devoid of tension and his limbs refusing to tap agitatedly. Even though he may of appeared closed off at first, Chaeyoung could read him like an open book, his body language betraying him long before his words could. If he was angry, she could tell it before his first began to clench. If he was upset, she could tell so before it was reflected in his eyes. And if he was elated, Chaeyoung would know long before the smile had crawled over his face.

"Hello, earth to Chaeyoung." Jisoo interrupted her internal travels, her voice ringing through the speaker on Chaeyoung's phone. "I think I've lost you."

"I'm still here, Jisoo." She replied, eyes rising to leave Chanyeol's figure as she saw him grin at something he had suddenly thought of, scribbling down the thought quickly. Her own smile lifted as she watched him in his element, so passionate and involved with the process.

"So, I'm guessing from what you said that Mr. Moody has been alright then." Jisoo predicted, Chaeyoung's eyes rolling back as Jisoo was, once again, correct.

"I guess you could say that." Chaeyoung admitted, her arm propped up on the back of the sofa as she bit down on the side of a finger, trying desperately to conceal her growing smile.

Ever since his little stint of kissing her before the show, it had become a regular occurrence, and it wasn't just then. When he woke up, her lips were the first thing his searched for, and when he went to bed, they were the last thing his acknowledged. It had begun to feel so real to Chaeyoung, feeling more than just a convenience to Chanyeol's life.

She certainly felt that way when he invited her into his bed each night, and tugged her close as his lukewarmth surrounded her. Chaeyoung came to learn that Chanyeol wasn't as shy to affection as she perhaps initially thought. In fact, he seemed incredibly open to her in that sense. Of course, this did nothing but encourage the raging emotion that began in her heart and hammered through her chest, taking over her entire body when that feeing was in full action.

Part of Chaeyoung felt hopelessly involved with Chanyeol, and the other, more optimistic part knew that there was something there. From the way that Chanyeol's lips curled upwards after they had kissed, to the way Chanyeol looked at her like she was the only woman in the world, she felt like there was a slight possibility that her feelings were reciprocated.

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