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Atlanta waited at the hawks nest sign as John B pulled up in his van. Atlanta didn't move, she waited until the group and finished talking. John B was the only one to get out, which surprised her a little bit. She had expected them all to get out.

The brunette boy walked over to the girl with a smile, Atlanta quickly high-fived him. "Hey, Um, John B?" John B turned to look at the girl with a smile. "Topper's my best friend. Always had been. And I hate that Sarah cheated on him with you."

Atlanta paused and took a deep breath. "But Sarah is my best friend too, so I'm happy she's happy." Atlanta's brown eyes met his. "So just so you know, if you hurt her, it won't just be Top you have to be worried about." The brunette patted his back before walking towards the van. "She's up there mystery man."

"Mystery man?" John B whispered to himself confused, but continued to walk towards the Hawks nest.

Atlanta let go of a small giggle as she watched John B shrugged off the part about being the mystery man whimsy she opened the van door to reveal herself to the others.

"Hey everyone." Atlanta said as she leant on the van door. A smile instantly made its way to JJ's face once he saw the girl in the long white dress.

Atlanta felt giddy and excited once seeing the blonde boy. She did a small jump into the van and landed next to him.

JJ wrapped his arms around the girl and pulled her into his chest. He placed a light kiss on her temple and then everyone went quiet. She couldn't help but feel like they stopped talking because of her, which made her feel extremely anxious.

"Lovely weather isn't it." Atlanta said sarcastically attempting to break the silence. The weather in fact wasn't lovely, the storm made Atlanta rather panicked, she hated storms and anyone who knew her, knew that. Kie scoffed and rolled her eyes. "You woul-"

"Would you just shut up?" Kie snapped turning to face the girl.

Atlanta's eyes widened in shock, but she didn't say anything. JJ gave her bicep a small squeeze to say that he was still there. She slowly sunk back into JJ, seeking his comfort.

"Guess we'll sit in silence then." Atlanta whispered and rested her head in the crook of JJ's neck.

The Pogues sat in silence for the next few minutes, JJ kept placing a light kisses on Atlanta's face, making her smile, he wanted to cheer her up so that she didn't feel uncomfortable around his friends. That was until they heard a faint shout, "Someone help!"

"You guys hear that?" Kie questioned furrowing her brows, looking around.

"What?" JJ and Pope questioned at the same time.

"Please somebody help." Sarah shouted again, hoping that someone-anyone would hear her pleas.

"Sarah." Atlanta said and quickly took of into a sprint towards her best friend.

Atlanta almost stumbled over once she saw Sarah crouching over a body-more specifically-John B's body. Her heart began to race, wondering what on Earth happened to make him fall.

"Sarah, what happened?" Pope questioned as he, JJ and Kie ran towards them.

"I don't know what to do. He needs help. Topper shoved him." Sarah cried, she has tears streaming down her face as she clung to his shirt.

"Where the hell is he?" JJ questioned angrily, looking around for the blonde Kook.

Atlanta's heart began to race. Topper was here, which means that he caught them together. And clearly, that meant that he hadn't taken it so well.

"He was drunk. Please, please, please help. I don't care who, just call someone." Sarah looked up to Atlanta as she cupped John B's face.

Atlanta's mind was racing. He would have drove here. Meaning he's drunk driving. "I have to go." Atlanta said running away to find Topper. She didn't even hear JJ shouting for her to come back.

The brunette managed to find Topper, who was in his car attempting to start it up, but failing miserably. "Move over!" Atlanta snapped angrily. He pushed John B out of the Hawks nest. "Now Topper."

Topper groaned and moved over to the passenger seat. "At-"

"Don't even fucking talk." Atlanta was so angry. She climbed into the drivers seat and started the engine. "Put your fucking belt on." Atlanta gripped the steering wheel so hard that her knuckles had turned white.

She couldn't even begin to explain the anger she was feeling to even be next to him right now. He didn't deserve her to be driving him home. But she couldn't leave him to drive home alone whilst drunk.

"I love you Atlanta." Topper mumbled.

"I know T." Atlanta softened at his words, he was her best friend and he was drunk. But that wasn't an excuse. What he did was wrong.

"No Attie. I mean it. I'm in love with you. I have been since the day we first met." Topper sighed. "And I hate it. I hate that I love you but I do." He slammed his fist into the dash board.

Atlanta grabbed his hand and placed a light kiss on his knuckles. "Calm down, Top. You love Sarah, not me." Atlanta attempted to remind the boy, although she knew it would be no use. "Now belt on and drink this water." She said grabbing a random water bottle from the back seats.


"Topper, please shut up." Atlanta let out a deep sigh. "I'm taking you home."

Atlanta crawled into her bed, her mind was racing. "Hey patch." Atlanta smiled as the cat jumped onto her bed. Nobody had said that the cat was there's, so her father let Atlanta keep him. "You will no believe the day I've had." She said with a small chuckle as the cat curled up on her lap.

"Hey Attie." Barnaby said with a small smile as he leant against the door frame. "I lost you after midsummers, so I took Campbell home."

"It's okay, I was with Sarah anyways. And I had to drive Topper home, he was drunk off his ass and confessing a load of shit." Atlanta made sure to keep out the fact that he pushed John B off the hawks nest.

She felt awful, her head was racing with every single thought. She couldn't believe what he confessed to her.

"Yeah? Like what?" Barnaby questioned as he walked into her room and sat on the edge of her bed, ready to give his sister his full attention.

"He said he was in love with me, B." Atlanta groaned and leant back against her headboard. "He's my best friend."

"You're not actually worried about the fact that he's in love with you, you're worried about JJ finding out because you love him." Barnaby summed up with a shrug.

Atlanta's eyes widened and her palms began sweaty. "What?" She was surprised that he'd even picked that up, although she shouldn't be surprised, Barnaby knows her better than she knows herself.

"Attie, I know you better than anyone ever. I know that you love JJ." Barnaby smiled again the anxious girl. "I've set a meal up tomorrow with dad and Campbell. Invite JJ and dad can meet both of our boyfriends."

"Oh," Atlanta paused sadly. "He's not my boyfriend."

"Yet." He said as he walked out with a smug smirk, leaving Atlanta to her thoughts.

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