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JJ had told Atlanta to go home and he'd come over later to check on her, he told her to go and talk to Barnaby and call her dad to see if he had any news on Peterkin.

When Atlanta arrived at home, her mind was clouded with thoughts of her mother's death and Peterkin dying. Atlanta wouldn't know how to cope after loosing another mom.

"Attie, what's wrong?" Barnaby questioned, looking over to his sister who had tear stained cheeks and red eyes.

Campbell looked at the girl worried. He'd never seen her like this before. She looked so broken.

Atlanta covered her mouth and began to sob again. Just before her knee's buckled, Campbell ran over to her and scooped her into his arms. He held her tightly, his hand cupping the back of her head so that she felt safer.

"Atlanta?" Barnaby questioned as he watched his sister sob into his boyfriends chest. "What's happening?" Campbell placed Atlanta on the couch, where both boys had previously being sitting.

"I can't anymore B-" Atlanta said breaking down. "Mom's dead, Peterkin's dying-"

"Peterkin's dying? Attie, what are you on about?" Barnaby questioned furrowing his brows, although his heart broke slightly at the thought. She was a second mother to him.

"She's was shot." Atlanta whispered and rested her head on Campbell's shoulder. "Rafe Cameron shot her."

"Barnaby? Atlanta? Where are you?" Shoupe shouted as he walked into the house.

Atlanta jumped up at the raised voice. She quickly wiped her eyes, as if that was going to help anything. She needed to pretend that she didn't know, if he knew that she was there, she'd be in more trouble than she was already.

"In here daddy." Atlanta shouted, plastering on a fake smile.

"Kids, I have som-" Shoupe went quiet once he saw Campbell. "Hey Campbell, would you please excuse us for a minute, I need to talk with my children." Shoupe knew that Campbell was living here now and truthfully, despite the dinner he loved having Campbell around.

Campbell made Barnaby happy and he deserved to be happy. He understood and went to his and Barnaby's room. Although he made sure to leave the door open a crack to hear.

"What's going on dad?" Barnaby questioned as he grabbed Atlanta's hand and gave it a light squeeze.

He always took care of her.

"Take a seat." He motioned to the siblings. Both Atlanta and Barnaby sat on the couch, and looked to their father who had evidentially been crying. "This news is going to be hard to hear." He paused and ran his hands over his face. "But I want you guys to hear it from me before you hear it on the news or someone spreading rumours."

Shoupe cleared his throat and Atlanta began shaking. She knew what was coming.

"Peterkin, she's passed away." He didn't know how else to put it. His kids had lost another mom figure. "John B Routledge shot her." Atlanta began to sob again, but she needed her father to know the truth.

"That's not true." Atlanta shook her head, she was there, she saw that it was Rafe.

"Do not stick up for him right now Atlanta Carson. He shot the Sheriff. He's a dirty Pogue." Shoupe's eyes brimmed with tears.

Peterkin was his best friend, she was always there for him and his kids. He just couldn't believe that she was gone.

"Daddy it was Rafe not John B." Atlanta said as tears rolled down her cheeks.

But Barnaby hadn't cried or even moved. He was in shock that this was real. He refused to believe that she was dead. He glanced over to Atlanta she looked too upset and broken to be lying about Rafe shooting Peterkin.

"STOP LYING ATLANTA!" Shoupe shouted angrily, making Atlanta flinch.

"Don't shout at her." Barnaby shouted back, standing in front of Atlanta. "She's clearly upset." He rarely stood up to his father, but whenever he did, it was always for Atlanta.

"I'm sorry, pumpkin." He apologised. "It's just that Ward saw John B shoot Susan."

"Well I saw Rafe shoot her. Who do you believe?" Atlanta resorted, her brows raised as she looked at her father. She desperately wanted him to believe her.

"You weren't there pumpkin, Ward was trying to save Susan, he wouldn't have done that if his son shot her." Shoupe shook his head.

"I was there. But it's fine, you believe the murderer." Atlanta snapped and walked out of the house with tears rolling down her face.

She didn't know what to do. She want to call JJ but he was busy with John B and the gold. She couldn't call Sarah because of Rafe. So she called the only person she could.


Although that idea quickly went out of the window when his phone went straight to voicemail.

Atlanta went to his house first but Mrs Thornton said that he wasn't there and he was at Kelce's. So that's where she went next, hoping that Rafe wouldn't be there.

Atlanta knocked on Kelce's door, her emotions had got the better of her and the whole walk there she was sobbing. A few people had stopped to ask if she was okay or if she want a ride home, but she had turned them down.

"Hey, Topper. It's Atlanta." Kelce said taking in Atlanta's appearance. "Come in." He said, he stepped to the side and allowed the girl to walk into his house.

Topper rushed over to his best friend and wrapped his arms around her, noticing how visibly upset she was. He held her so tightly that he was sure he was about to cut off blood circulation. But she didn't seem to care.

"What happened Attie?"

"I've lost another mom." Atlanta whispered and clung onto Topper's shirt.

"I'll be in my room, I'll give you two some space." Kelce said, "I'm sorry for your loss Atlanta." He place a hand on her shoulder and gave it a small squeeze.

"Peterkin's dead Topper. She's dead and I don't have a mom anymore." Atlanta continued to cry.

"Shhh." Topper hushed and picked the girl up, carrying her over to the couch. He placed her on his lap and pulled her into his chest. He began to gently rock in order to sooth her. "It's okay Attie."

"I don't know what to do anymore T, I can't-"

"Deep breaths Attie, deep breaths." Topper whispered in a soothing voice.

He had missed his best friend. He thought he had lost her after drunkly admitting that he was in love with her. But he was glad he hadn't. He was sure they was a reason that she didn't go to JJ or Sarah. But he was still thankful that she felt safe enough to come to him.

"You're gonna be okay Attie, I've got you." He whispered as the girl fell asleep.

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