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Author Note:

Sorry for the delay guys, been busy with work and all... Thanks for the patience, hope you like it!

The beginning of the story lies here...

Disclaimer: Boboiboy and all it's characters are belong to Animonsta Studios.


Setting: Before chapter Prologue

A cloaked figure was walking through the hallways, skillfully dodged the security cameras as well as alien pirates which littering across the hallways. He swiftly turned into each hallways as his movement guided by the memory map he remembered from the last time he was here, until he finally reached his destination, his target was just behind the door.

The figure looked around to make sure he wasn't followed before he opened the door and quickly entered the room. As soon as he closed the door, an icy voice greeted him as he felt something sharp was digging on his back, luckily he still wore his armor under the cloak.

"You think you can infiltrate in here with that pathetic disguise? Are you insulting my intelligence, boy?"

The figure slowly raised his hands up to show that he was unarmed as he spoke calmly, "How do you know I was here?"

"Heh, I can hear your spaceship miles away before you landed to sneak in here. So why are you here, Amato?"

Amato chuckled, "You already know but you didn't alert your pirate crew about me . If I don't know you I will say that you purposely let me in."

"Don't be a smart alec. I am still having my sword digging your back. So speak."

"Grumpy as always. You sure don't changed for one bit after all these times. Can't I say that I just want to visit you, Master Dalik?"

"Hmph, I am not your master anymore. Based on your incompetent disguise, I take it that you are not here for TAPOPS's business?" Dalik growled as he pulled the sword away from Amato's back and sheathed it carefully.

Amato released a sigh of relief as he felt the sharp feeling was removed from his back. He took his time to look around the room which full of maps, weapons and books as Dalik gently put his prized sword back to its hidden case.

He can't believed that it took weeks for him to find Dalik's location. Well, he not expected any less from the captain of the biggest pirate fleet in the galaxy, and the fact that this gigantic pirate fleet was completely hidden from any space authorities throughout the galaxy for years.

"Sit down boy, and state you intention of coming here. You wouldn't make all those efforts in finding me just to say hi."

Amato took a seat in front of a table as his former master sat at the other side of the table. "I need your help."

Dalik raised an eyebrow, "Help? You do know who I am. A pirate. Pirates don't do charity, Amato. Even you were my disciple."

Amato took out a bag of money from under his cloak and put it on the table. "I want your help, more specifically I want you to steal something for me."

Oh? Dalik leaned on the backrest of his seat. This was a first time his former disciple wanted help from the other side of the law. He remembered that Amato maintained his sense of justice even when he was still been trained by him in the past, and now after years passed, he suddenly wanted his help, and not just any help, he wanted to steal something, and he came to him. Dalik scratched his chin lazily.

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