date: wildflower

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Ava barely whispered as her eyes sets on the Kiwi who stood a few feet infront of her. To say she was dazed was an understatement, she couldn't focus on her breathing when he took a few more steps closer to her. She couldn't think straight with what's happening at that moment. I'm on a date with Calum. She tries to register in the six words in her mind, only to get more anxious than she ever felt before. Her head starts spinning and tries to find a solid thing to hold onto.

"Ava, darling, you should take a seat."

Calum grabbed her hand, guiding her towards the picnic set up he had made. He helps her lay down on the cloth as he reached out for the pillows behind him, tucking it under her head. He hovers over her a little bit, trying to find any grimace of discomfort in her face.

"Do you want me to cancel the date? You might need some re-"

"No, Calum. I'm fine, really. I just feel overwhelmed by all of this. I-"

She lifted her hand as an attempt to help her out which Calum only returned a concerned face. He gave in when she repeatedly nodded her head, holding her back in support as she sat up, her breathing coming back to a normal pace.

Her eyes landed on the different varieties of food that he had prepared for her and the pillows and blankets that looked too soft to be not used. She looked back at Calum, who gave a soft smile before speaking.

"Are you sure you're okay? I suggest doing this in the living room if it feels more comfortable for you." Her heart flutters while hearing those words. But she couldn't say no, not after all the preparations he had made for this.

"I like it better here, Cal. Nothing to worry." Ava smiled. She wasn't lying at all when she said it. She had never been to a picnic date that had such an aesthetic view with wildflowers and she had certainly not been in a real date with Calum. She didn't want to ruin the night that she had been waiting for so long.

Meanwhile, Calum was silently arguing to himself as he tries to figure out if this was a date or not. He wanted to make sure that they were both in the same page, and she would feel comfortable with whatever is happening between them.

"Uh- is this um, do you consider this- uh," Calum cleared his throat as he tried to think of a simple way to ask her. His eyes traveled from the food that still remains untouched back to her gaze repeatedly, hoping it would send a clearer message of what he was trying to say.

"Yummy? The food?"

"I mean- yeah of course it is, Ava." Calum laughed, hiding the disappointment that was almost visible through his words. But he couldn't keep it to himself, as he finds himself word vomiting.

"Do you consider this a date?"

A long silence filled in the atmosphere when Ava looked up at him. Calum gulped down, his Adam's apple visibly bobbing in his throat as he awaits for her response. He grew nervous, trying to study her face to find any answers. But Ava was sure of what she wanted to say.

"Only if you consider this one too."

This caused a grin to form in Calum's face while Ava shared a bigger one. He was relieved to know that they were both on the same book, the same chapter, at the same page. This time his feelings became more clear and evident to her eyes which made it much easier for both of them.

Calum grabbed the basket beside him and opens the little cloth that laid on tip of it.

"You made all of these?"

Ava stared at the food, ready to scarf it all down as she starts to feel her hunger.

"I'm a chef, Ava. I know how to cook unlike my bandmates."

wildflower : calum hoodWhere stories live. Discover now