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Amber's pov

"ow that hurt dumbass!" I punched grayson back as we were play fighting on the bleachers. "sorry not sorry" Grayson said,giggling like a child. I watched him in awe while he continues to giggle and play punch me.

small little droplets came onto my cheeks and we realized that it was raining. we quickly ran outside school and sat at the bus stop.

"damn it's raining cats and dogs today" I told him. "I wonder if there will be frogs one day" he jokes. we laughed. "are u cold" he asks while he takes off his sweater and handed it to me."thanks" I blushed and he smiles. "you can keep it. it looks better on you anyway" he said. I smiled as I drown my face in his grey sweater,taking in his cologne.

i look over to him, and see that he is not looking at my direction anymore, but he was looking over at a tall blonde girl with crystal blue eyes, one hand holding the umbrella as the other one was waving infront of the driveway trying to find a taxi. his pupils dilated, mesmerized by her looks. not gonna lie,she is beautiful and I'm not,I thought to myself.

he stands up from his seat, going to her direction. "hey, need a ride?" he asked.
I watched as grayson plays with his fingers,waiting for a response.he always do this when he's nervous. they talked for awhile.he then looked over to me "see you amber" he waved me goodbye and continue walking the girl to his car driving away, leaving me alone in the bus stop.

Grayson's pov

I walked over to the girl,she has platinum blonde hair and crystal blue eyes.damn she's pretty. I figured offering her for a ride would be good because then I can create convos in the car aswell.wow grayson the genius. "hi , do u need a ride?" I offered. "sure,that's really nice of you!" she thanked."of course"

Amber's pov

I walked in the house, my clothes were soaking wet from walking in the rain. I found mom passing out in the sofa with a beer in her hand.poor thing. I grabbed a blanket and put it on her and kissed her on the forehead.
I went up my room, took a shower and slept.

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