t h r e e

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Grayson's pov

today's the day. I'm taking heather out for our date. I have prepared a picnic in a park that is usually empty. I can't wait! I should call amber to help me out.*ring,the person you were trying to call isn't available,please leave a message after the call*.hm weird.ill just call her later.

Amber's pov

I place my hand on the stinging pain on my cheek. "mom please,don't do this" I sobbed trying to get her to calm down."no,no! There's no point anymore, he doesn't love me!"i watch her cry as she sat against the wall."mom,can we please,forget about this,that was years ago!" I told her.i ran over and hugged her,whispering calming words till she fell asleep.

I cover her with blanket and went back downstairs to clean the mess. I took away the empty beer bottles and sweep the small pieces of glass.mom had drank too much.her memory probably triggered her about dad.

Grayson's pov

I watched as she took a bite of the pie."do you like it?" I asked.she smiled"it's delicious! Did u make this?" she complimented."yeah obviously"I said rolling my eyes jokingly at her.

we laid down on the blanket,watching the stars.her head rested on my shoulder while I wrap my arms around her.this is perfect.i couldn't have asked for more.i just wish this moment never end.

Amber's pov

I gave up on math.i closed my book and stared out the window. A chuckle left my lips as a memory came on my mind.

"oh dammit, the tv is broken!" I said frustrated."now we can't binge watch shit anymore" I frowned. We were having a movie night because we both had nothing better to do. "hm what if we look out the window instead" he suggested. I look at him trying to see if he was joking. "what? your window is big and the view is nice too" "true" I agreed

we sat infront of the window,enjoying the view while eating midnight snacks. "you know, this is actually not bad" I told him."mhm" he agreed. I lay my head on his shoulder and blushed as he lay his head on mine. Oh how I wish he was mine. "Do you think that.." oh shit,this is it.hes going to ask me out. "..if I jump out this window, I would survive?". Damn. "u won't " I said. "I wanna try it out,you in?" he said standing up. I looked at him confused. "no, are you dumb? sit back down! I don't want you to die yet!"I said pulling him back down. He giggled "oh ya,why?" "because then I'll be lonely at school,you know I don't like talking to people!" I lightly slap his shoulder jokingly. we giggled and continued to joke around.

*end flashback*

tears came down on my cheeks as I trace shapes on my math book.i look back at the window and wonder what it's like being his. Being taken on dates,having endless of cuddles, kissing him, holding his hand. man I'm really in love aren't I. I mean who wouldn't, he's an angel.

I wipe my tears off and sighed. I should probably go to bed. I opened the drawer on my study desk to keep my pens and I saw a bottle. sleeping pills. "Warning,take 1-2 pills only".i read the instructions on the bottle. fuck it. I opened the bottle and poured down probably 10 or more pills and popped it in my mouth.i took my water bottle from my bad and drank it. I walk over my bed and switch off the lamp table. I hope this pills help me stop overthinking.

Grayson's pov:

I reached her house and stopped the car. "Thanks for the date,I enjoyed it" she blushed. I smiled as I tuck a strand of her hair behind her ear, my face getting closer to hers,I kissed her and it felt amazing.But I didn't feel sparks like how they said it in the movies.maybe it's just bullshit.

we pull away and pressed out foreheads against eachother till our nose is touching.
"this is it.see you soon gray" she unbuckle her seatbelt and got out."see you soon! Have a good night heather". She waved me goodbye as I drive off.

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