f o u r

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suicide warning*

Amber's pov

I came home from work,exhausted.i work in shifts at this small coffee shop so that I can collect some money for things that I need.I opened the door to a really quite environment."mom?" I yelled out. Is she out drinking again? ugh I told her to stop. I looked around the room on the first floor.maybe she's sleeping.

I was shocked to see at what was infront of me.my mom, who gave birth to me,took care of me and loved me is now laying on the bed.dead.white foam was dripping from her mouth and her other hand was holding a bottle of anti depressants. "no,this can't be happening" "no no NOO" I cried as I hugged my mom for the last time,sobbing until her shirt was soaked in my tears. "you can't just leave,mom" "I'll be alone" I said as I caress her soft cheeks and cried.

Grayson's pov

Amber is not at school today,weird.shes never the type to skip school.i walked over to heather and asked "babe have you seen amber during your classes?" "no,why" "just asking,she never skips school.i should call her.nah she's probably alright,maybe she's just sick.

Amber's pov

I wipe my tears and watch as they slowly lower down her cascate. I felt a tap and turned around.i frown abit in disappointment as I have realized that it's not grayson but smiled back at the lady infront of me. "you're amber right?" I nod."I'm megan, a friend of your late mother.sorry for your lost".she hands me a biscuit jar."I made these.i hope it'll cheer you up."thank you for the cookies aunty,I will eat them when I'm at home"I smiled. "well,I've got to go now,take care okay? Bye" she waved at me and went to her car.

I have tried to call grayson many times now and it keep going to voicemail. I know that we haven't talked in a while but he's important to me and should know what happened too. He finally answered "hey amber" he said,panting."hey,um are you okay?"."yeah just um..."he was quiet for awhile."i was just jogging what's up?"jogging in the late evening? weird.i shooked it off."so um-" "look can I just call you later? I'm kinda.. busy right now" "oh,why?-" and he hanged up on me. gosh what the hell is he so busy about? fucking her?

wait.fucking? I thought he didn't like doing those things. No wonder he was panting like shit.i shove my phone in my dress pocket and drive home.

Grayson's pov

me and heather were having a hot make out session when a ring interrupted.we decided to ignore it and after a few more rings, I had enough and answered.it was amber "hey amber" I said panting."hey um are you okay?" "yeah just um" heather went to my neck and bit and nibbled on it giving me a few hickies as I think of a reason."I was just jogging what's up?" she was quiet for awhile and finally spoke "so um-" I cut her off,saying I was busy and hanged up.

we continued it for awhile and cuddled after.i really wanna spend all my time with heather before she goes for her holiday trip next week.

Amber's pov

I skip past channels on my tv as I'm eating cookies the aunty gave me.ive tried so many things to distract myself from my moms passing but nothing is working.

I needed gray to comfort me as I have no one to go to right now but hes probably busy with his girlfriend. I thought about the call earlier and cringed as I thought of gray actually having a sexual intercourse with someone. It also made me a little sad but if gray is happy then so am I.

I lay on my bed as I laughed alone remembering funny moments me and gray had together.

we were on the trampoline.i sat on the trampoline while I watch grayson did a backflip.i heard a weird noise and it seemed like it came from his direction. "Ew did bailey just farted yUck"I joked making a disgusted face. He went red and immediately ran to the bathroom. I catch up to him and waited infront of the door. "are you okay?" I knocked,worried."ya I just pooped my pants he giggled from inside.we both laughed and I called him poopy pants since.
end flashback*

I laughed and hug my blanket harder.i grab a box from a drawer in my bedside table and opened it.i look at all of the stuff that I have collected in the box.i cherish this things a lot and hope to not lose it because these stuffs reminds me of important and memorable days. I look through some polaroids, fridge magnets and pins.i come across a wing earring. All the painful memories of the day were remembered as if it was yesterday

"gray I'm scared" I said hugging my knees and hugged him tighter. " it's okay ambie,everything will be alright,don't worry okay" he assured me. My parents were having a fight fight. Like a fight where they might actually get a divorce. My father has been going out to night clubs everyday and has been cheating on my poor mom.my mom did nothing but tried to be the best for him.

the screams and yells were mixing with the sound of the thunderstorm outside.it was not a good mix. I cried as grayson whisper nice things to me, tryIng his best to comfort me. "am I going to die?" I asked. "no dummy, you're not going to" he giggled. "what if I do? I don't wanna lose you" "you won't lose me amber,I'll always be here for you"

Grayson has always had my back since day one. His parents were best friends with mine so that's why were so close. He understands and doesn't judge me with my problems and that's one of the things I loved about him.

"what if ma and daddy fights again? But you're not here? What do I do?" I panicked. He was trying to think of something while he hugged me harder. Then, he takes off his right wing earring and gave it to me. "If I'm not there to comfort you, just hold his earring or wear it and imagine as if I'm there to comfort you, okay?" I looked at him and nod "okay" "good, now wanna crash in mine while we wait till ma and daddy stops fighting?" He said wiping my tears. I nod.
end flashback*

I hold the earring tightly and kissed it as I cry,tears running down my cheeks and eyes red because of too much crying. I try to imagine Grayson being here, comforting me, telling me it's going to be okay, but everything is blank. I feel like I had actually lost him and he would never come back.

suicide warning*
I've had enough.im tired everything that has been going on. I want it to end and there's only one way.

I rushed to my moms room and snatch the same pills my late mom was on and grabbed a water bottle from the fridge. I emptied the bottle and chug the water down.I lay down and look at all my surroundings. I grasp the earring tight as I feel my breathing slow down and my eyes getting heavy. "I love you grayson" I whisper as I close my eyes for the last time.

Grayson's pov:

I ran into the house frantically trying to find my best friend. Then I saw her, along with cops.they were searching the whole room for signs of break in or murder and she's laying there, peacefully while holding a small shiny object.

I was speechless.this is all my fault.i should've been there for her.i found out her mom died from overdose from a friend of hers. Maybe that's why she called. Tears ran down my cheeks as I ran towards her and hugged her tightly.

"I'm sorry, this is all my fault" I whispered."l  should've prioritize you first" I sobbed. I look down on her hand and noticed that she was holding my other wing earring.


"If I'm not there to comfort you, just hold his earring or wear it and imagine as if I'm there to comfort you, okay?" She nods "okay"

end flashback*

I cried even harder. I should've called or ask her what's up.shes been trying to contact me for awhile but I was busy with heather. I can't believe I let her down like that. I'm so stupid.

I cried all night and stayed with the police till morning. I can never forgive myself with what I have done.

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