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Grayson's pov


"I smiled at her.gosh she's cute. I've always wanted to ask her out but scared to ruin this good friendship we had. I look at my surroundings and saw a tall girl with blonde hair.she looks as if she's finding a taxi.

I looked back at amber to find she was looking somewhere else.i stand up and head to the blonde girl. "time to move on I guess" I thought to myself. I locked eyes with the blonde girl. She's so pretty but nothing compared to my amber.shut up gray just get her number already! "hey,need a ride?"

I asked her out while we were in the car. I know I'm moving too damn fast with this but I just need to get over her. she said yes and I got excited. Finally, a new start on moving on :) . "

smol grayson* 🥺

"I picked up some daisies from my backyard we were hanging out at. I hid it behind my back as I walk up to her."will you-" "gRAYSOn LOOK" she screams at me with ethtutiasm showing me a small frog she caught. she smiled at me and noticed the daisies. "aw daisies,my favorite!" "ya um I got it for u, will you-" "thank u gray, now let's play cooking!" She engulf me with a hug and ran to her toy house. I smiled and went with her"

"she layed her head down on my shoulder as I do the same.this feels amazing. I just wish to be hers. we were sitting in front of the window, enjoying the view because her tv broke. I watch her flawless face as she slowly shut her eyes closed. I smiled and kissed her forehead. "goodnight, I love you"
I lay her down on the bed and slept on the floor."

*end flashbacks*

I smiled at the thought of the memories of amber and i.i frowned as i look over to heather laying down on my lap, casually on her phone. "babe?" "yeah?" "I don't think this is working". She looked at me weird and sit straight "what do you mean?" "This relationship, us. I don't think it's working" she frowned "why not?" "because I thought I had moved on, guess I didn't" "gray, don't do this." She begged. "Forget about her please. Move on with me. I love you and you do too, right?" "It's not the same" I shake my head. "I'm sorry but it's over" I said, getting up from her bed and leaving. "fine then.i understand. But don't come back if you ever miss me" "will do" I assured her.

I walked by myself while it's pouring rain. I would've killed myself right here but I know amber wouldn't like that. My hands were getting cold so I kept it warm in my pocket. I got home and went to sleep

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2020 ⏰

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