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Amber's pov
I woke up to a lot of missed calls on my phone and a bunch of text messages."missed call from grayson"
woah i thought he didn't care about me, maybe not.i called him back. "hey amber!"
"hey gray what's up-" "remember the girl from yesterday" "ya why-" "I'm going on a date with her!!"he said excitedly. I feel my heart shatter."hello?are you there" "um yeah" "alright! so I need help with my clothes,my behavior..." I ignored him and closed my phone.

my hand slowly coming up and covering my mouth, as I try to sob quietly trying to not wake mother up. I feel so stupid. why did I think an amazing guy like him, could love me? I thought I atlease had a chance,not anymore...

I got out of my car and head inside school. Then I felt a tap on my shoulder."hey, why did u hang up?" "no connection" I lied. "ohh,okay. also I will be eating lunch with heather today". heather,nice name. "ooh can I come along?" I asked, hoping he will let me.theres no way I'm eating alone. I'm too dependent for that. "uhh" he scratches his neck."maybe um,next time?" I frowned."look I'm trying to get to know her okay?" he assured. "but-" " I'm late for class, see ya!" he cuts me off and ran to his class.

lunch. the time where I used to get excited for the most,now it's just a subject that I wish doesnt exist. I walk to the cafeteria looking down on my feet, afraid to talk to anyone. I look up and I saw the two "lovebirds" talking.her hands interlocked with his, and him telling jokes at her while they shared a drink. oh how I wished to switch places with her.

Grayson's pov
I held hands with heather while I joke around and talk to her. she's really nice and I really want amber to meet her. speaking about amber, she seems off today,like distant.i shook off my thoughts and continued talking to heather.

Amber's pov
I cried on the way home,something new I would usually hold it till I'm inside.i opened the door to find clothes scattered everywhere.disgusting.mother probably went to the club today. I sighed and decided to ignore it and went on with my day.

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