Shot 5

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Come with another shot ❤ Hope you all will like❤

Recap : Sanskar put deal in front of Swara of marrying him and in return of that he will help her in finding her parents . She denied but at last she had to accept with no choice and in craving of her parents and both eventually married.

SwaSan are standing in mid receiving wishes from guest while media are clicking their pictures but Swara is seeming lost in her thoughts.

She had always a dream of getting a prince for her but today her all dreams got shattered. She had to married a person whom she never wanted to marry but situations made her do that. Her eyes has tears of her helplessness.

Inspector : Congratulations Now official Mr and Mrs Maheshwari!

Sanskar just nod yes with a professional smile. Inspector gaze fall on Swara who is looking lost and her eyes has tears. This make him suspicious.

Inspector : What happened Mrs Maheshwari? Why you are looking sad? Today your dream of marrying Mr Maheshwari is completed. Your face should be glow with happiness then why this sadness?

Sanskar become shocked by his words. He notice her face find her still staring floor with teary eyes. He close his eyes being pissed off from her.

Sanskar : ( in mind) this girl will surely lend me in another problem. ( greet teeth).

Inspector : ( become more suspicious seeing her not replying) where are you lost Mrs Maheshwari?  ( he speaks little louder).

Swara startled by his shout which make her comes out from her thoughts. She looks find inspector looking at her.

Swara : what?  ( innocently asked).

Inspector : where are you lost? Are you in any trouble? You should be happy on your marriage but this tears! What's the reason? Or you are forced for this marriage? ( being suspicious).

Sanskar become little worried by his question as Swara is also standing quiet and her silence giving them more reasons of suspecting.

Media : Yeah! We are also watching from long. She is looking sad and it's very weird. What's the reason of it Ma'am?

Swara feels nervousness by their questions moreover from Sanskar 's reaction as she know he will surely shout on her but no words are coming out from her mouth as it's true she is not happy with this marriage.

Sanskar looks at Swara who is shivering clutching her duppata being nervous.

Inspector : why you are quiet Mrs Maheshwari? Or we take your silence as your answer that this marriage is forced? Speak up! We are asking something.


Sanskar shouts angrily.

Sanskar : Behave Inspector! Don't forget with whom you are talking. You are talking to my wife so think before speaking.

Swara become surprised hearing his words. She looks at his eyes which showing a care for her but soon Sanskar 's words ring in his ears.

"For me only one person matters that's only me "

A sad smile appear on her face realising the fact for him only he matters. How he can care her but if its true then why she see this care in his eyes which feels so true to her.

Swara : ( in mind) may be he is very good actor that he can convince anyone by his eyes. ( while gazing at his face which showing a hidden care for her).

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