Shot 8

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Come with another shot ❤ Hope you all will like ❤

In Police station!

Swara : Tell me inspector! What proof you got regarding my parents. Please tell.  ( her eyes are teary,  her craving to see her parents are visible in her eyes).

Sanskar stare her face somewhere her teary eyes hit his soul but he shrugged off his emotions.

Inspector : Mrs Maheshwari we came to know that your parents 5 years ago left Mumbai and went in near of village.

Swara : ( shocked) what?

Inspector : Yes! And from surrounded people we came to know they sold their home because they were very stressed in memory of their daughter means yours and went in near of village of Mumbai.

Swara : ( feels bad for her parent's suffering) which village they went? Take me near them. ( hurriedly in urge of meeting them).

Inspector : we just came to know this Mrs Maheshwari except this we are still investigating.

Swara : ( shouts being pissed off hearing him) then what are you doing? How many days went and you still not abled to search my parents.

Sanskar : ( stand hold her shoulders) calm down Swara. They are doing their job but investigation is not a easy job. They will find your parents soon.

Swara calm down hearing his words understand he is saying right.

Swara : I am sorry inspector.

Inspector : It's okay Mrs Maheshwari! We understand your state. Don't worry we will try our best in finding your parents.

Swara nod yes looking down holding her tears in her eyes which is ready to fallen down in disappointment again her hopes got only defeat.

SwaSan turn for leaving. Sanskar 's lips curved in smirk. He watch at inspector and shows thumbs up. Inspector also showed him thumbs up.

Sanskar : ( in mind) You are so craving for meeting your parents right? but that's my promise you will not abled to meet them ever because they are with me. ( smirk) and I will never let you meet them. They are your happiness but you deserve only pain Miss Swara Basu. you will never come to know that whom you are searching madly. They are very close to you. You will also craved for your own who is so close to you but still you can't go near them. The same way I am suffering. My sister is near me but I can't meet her. You also have to bear this.

Both come out from police station. Sanskar is walking ahead and Swara is walking behind. Suddenly he stopped hearing her voice who called him.


Sanskar turn toward her hearing her.

Sanskar : what?

Swara : ( come forward toward him) Thank you.

Sanskar : ( confused) Thank you for what?

Swara : for helping me in finding my parents. ( softly).

Sanskar : ( become surprised hearing her) but I didn't found your parents yet.

Swara : I know but still you are trying to find my parents and that's enough for me.

This her words surprised him unknowingly layer of guilt engulf his heart who deliberately keeping her away from her parents.

Sanskar : I am not doing any favor. I am just doing according to the deal. Jo tumne mujhe diya hai main bas vahi tumhe lota rha hoon. It's give and take policy that's it.  ( in a meaningful tone referring her betrayal).

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