Shot 6

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Come with another shot ❤ Hope you all will like ❤

Swara is standing alone in party. She is feeling standing alone in mid of strange people. She looks at Sanskar who is busy in talking with his business client with her puppy eyes. She don't know why she want him to beside her.

Sanskar who is talking professionally with his clients suddenly feel a strong gaze on him. He looks find Swara looking at him. There is some sadness in her eyes while seeing him unknowingly its pinch him. He stare her for a minute but looks down then again look at him who is still staring him. Its seems it's calling him to him.

Swara who is staring him become sad when Sanskar turn his face while showing his back to her. She feels bad by his ignorance.

Sanskar who is all aware what she is doing while staring her from his corner of his eyes closing his fist. He start talking with his clients again showing he is actually busy in them.

Oh Hello Swara!

Swara who is looking down sadly as soon she hear this voice turn find Kavita who is giving her smile hiding the smirk behind of it.

Swara remembered her madness and her behavior toward her,  for Sanskar. she doesn't like her appearance so make faces hidden. 

Swara : ( with tight smile) Hello Kavita! Do you need anything?

Kavita : not at all Swara! Actually! I saw you we're standing alone so thought to give you company.

Swara : ( in mind) I was alone only better then getting a company like you. ( make faces).

Kavita : you said something?

Swara : No!  ( give a fake tight smile).

Kavita : by the way I came for thanking you. Thank you Swara.

Swara : ( confused) Thank you? But why?

Kavita : ( act like surprised) don't tell me Sanskar didn't told you anything? This Sanskar ( take a sigh) he always do everything according to him. ( act like shy while seeing him).

Swara : ( make faces seeing her blushing seeing Sanskar) now why she is blushing like this seeing my husband. ( unknowingly feeling possessive for him) Kavita! What you are trying to say? Can you please speak clearly?

Kavita : ( smile fake) actually! I am thanking you for accepting Sanskar 's deal of marrying him for 6 months.

Swara become shocked listening her. How she came to know about their deal of marriage. Many questions revolve around her mind with fear what if Sanskar came to know that now she know their truth.

Swara : Now he will not leave me. ( make cry face in fear).

Kavita smirked seeing her face.

Swara : ( try to cover) what are you saying? Deal?  ( act like she don't know but she herself know she is acting terribly,  lying is very difficult task for her).

Kavita : no need of hiding anything babe. Sanskar only told me everything.

Swara : ( shocked) what? He told you?

Kavita : yes! He told me in fact he did marriage with you after asking me only.

Swara : what you are trying to say? Speak clearly. Don't create suspense like movies. ( irritatedly)

Kavita : ( with hidden smirk) he told me everything because I am very special to him.

Swara : ( irritatedly) this you tell to whole office that you are his special employee.

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