Shot 7

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Hello dear readers!

Come with another shot ❤ Hope you all will like❤

Recap : Revelation of  Reason of Sanskar 's rude behavior toward Swara and the chess game begin.

In SwaSan 's Room!

Sanskar come in room after making Uttara sleep. His sight goes on Swara who is sleeping peacefully on couch which bring anger in his eyes. Uttara 's restless face flash in his mind.

Sanskar : ( in mind)  how she sleep peacefully after ruining my sister 's peace?  ( angrily) no Swara! I will not let you remain peaceful which pain you gave to my sister. You also have to bear. I will push you in same situation where you throw my sister. ( his eyes become wet remembering past but face is showing fury).

He come slowly toward her stare her innocent face remembered how 1 year ago he saw her and fall in love with her innocence and purity. He sit down near her stare her a long while.

Sanskar : I wish I would came to know your truth at first moment only but I became fool by your this fake innocent face. ( while staring her think in mind) I still can't believe how I didn't saw the cruelty behind your naive eyes? Sanskar Maheshwari who can judge anyone by his one gaze. How I failed in recognizing you?

From 1 year he is also angry on himself that he didn't abled to recognize her real face.

Sanskar : that was my mistake that I trusted enough on you for letting my sister stay with you every time but what you did? You broke my trust Swara. You broke everything. ( thinks in mind while staring her angrily).


When Uttara was talking with Sanskar on call all scared.

Uttara : Bhai! Swara cheated me. She is very bad Bhai. She is very bad. She is not what she shows to world. She is very bad. ( crying and scared).

Sanskar : ( become worried hearing her crying and scared voice) what happened Uttara?


A loud voice of Uttara echoed.

Sanskar : Uttara!!!  ( shouts being scared) Uttara,  Uttara.

He calls her name many times but no response and soon it's disconnect which make him more worried. He called Uttara again but get voice message that's it's switched off which make him hell worried.

Her crying and scared voice then her phone is also switched off. These all things make him worried like hell.

He immediately put phone in pocket come out from airport of Kolkata. He already came in Kolkata wanted to surprise Uttara for that he called her.

He drive in car quickly. Many bad thoughts occupied in his mind which making him more worried. He try to call again and again Uttara but no response.

He called on landline phone. It's ring two three times. Suddenly it's picked.

Sanskar : Hello Uttara! What had happened to you doll? Why you cut the call? And why you we're crying like that? What Swara did? Doll speak something.

But no answer from other side. He keep on shouting for answer but no answer. He throw phone aside being frustrated and worried. He fasten the speed of car.

His eyes become widened seeing truck in front of his car. He try to aside his car. He abled to move his car aside but loose balance and it's dashed with tree. His head hit on starring which bleed his head. He hold his forehead which bleeding in pain. His eyes are half closes but mind only revolving around Uttara.

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