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My heart stopped and I had to pinch my hand to make sure I was really awake. There he stood, cocky smile and all looking between Tamlin and Feyre. He'd grown and looked more like our father, but the violet eyes that were now schooled into cool indifference were all our mothers.

"Hello, Feyre darling, I'm calling in our little bargain." I grinned and watched Feyre's eyes meet mine. Tamlin started to advance on Feyre and that drew some of Rhysand's attention. Feyre held out a hand and I nodded closing the distance between us and took her outstretched hand. I would be returning home sooner than expected and I couldn't hide the joy in my eyes.

"You can wait until we're finished," Tamlin hissed, the rage boiling under his skin as claws began to peak out from his knuckles. Rhys paid him little mind and instead gave him his signature shit-eating grin.

"I don't think I will," he said and strode towards where Feyre and I stood. She held on tightly to my hand and stared Rhys down as he tried to pull her towards him.

"She's coming," She hissed and Rhysand looked down at me, I nodded holding tight to her skirt. He smirked and grabbed her hand, pulling us into shadow and smoke and wind as we shot towards home.

We appeared in the atrium of the House of Wind, its familiar columns and open windows filled my senses as I took in the space I hadn't seen in so long.

"What the hell was that!" Feyre shouted and before I knew it she had removed her shoe and hit Rhys squarely in the back of the head with it.

"Nice aim," I whispered down the bond and decided to slip away from their little exchange to refamiliarize myself with my home.

Everything was the same and I walked towards one of the windows that overlooked the mountains, the Illyrian mountains. Memories of Rhys training me, getting my ass beat, and then getting back up again until I was bloody and bruised. Memories of Cassian joining the training sessions and how he wouldn't touch me before I landed the first blow. Azriel's arrival at the camp and teaching me to be one with the shadows, being his best friend, and when I was grown I remembered fighting my way to the top of the mountain to show my brother how much I'd grown. They'd had each other but I was on my own, the only female in training, and that made me push harder and harder until I was on the verge of death. I'd almost died during that trial, memories of grabbing hands and a rip in my wing sent shivers down my spine.

My mind flashed to my cousin, her horrible past but lovely personality...

"Well hello there little one," I whipped around, a golden halo surrounding soft hazel eyes, and I almost fell backward. There stood my cousin, more devastatingly beautiful than I remembered, and a warm smile on her face.

"Mor?" My eyes watered and she stared at me confused, her eyes widening as the shift came over me. The green dress melted away to reveal the plum gown I'd borrowed from Feyre, my eyes, and my midnight curls. Mor fell back as if I had burned her, her face suddenly twisted in pain.

"No..." She backed away, her eyes haunted and pooling with tears.

"You, you're dead. Rhys found your head in a box..." I shook my head and she launched herself at me, sobbing into my chest as I wrapped my arms around her as if she would disappear.

"I never thought I'd see you again, Yvaine," We sobbed together for the longest time until I pulled away, brushing tears from both of our faces.

"It's so good to see you, Morrigan. I've missed you so much," she tucked a strand of hair behind my ear and dragged me into a room, sitting on the bed with me tucked into her side, holding onto my hand as the other played with my hair.

"I've missed you, cousin," She pressed a kiss to the top of my head and I snuggled deeper into her chest. Two centuries, that's how long it had been since I was able to hug my cousin. We'd always been close and more like siblings which her father resented but he could do little against the High Lord's daughter. I often tended to her wounds and she confided in me more than anyone else. We both knew more about each other than anyone else. The only person who knew me more was my brother, he would always know me better than myself and vice versa.

Yvaine: The Evening StarWhere stories live. Discover now